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Everything posted by sbuff

  1. You should just need to change the orifices out , as well as the attachment hose and regulator to switch to natural gas.
  2. What does it need if you don't mind me asking? They have one of the best customer service departments going, did you try giving them a call, possibly free replacement
  3. I have the prior genesis model of that 699 one, by far the best ,most durable ,solid built and best grilling grill I've ever had. The warden was hesitant on us buying it but even she is sold. Kiss the charbroile and brinkmann good bye and try a Weber.
  4. Phade, have you tested the Apex,not necessary that specific one . If so your thoughts, I can find no reviews anyplace... Thanks Steve
  5. Anyone try this, Sean Hannity is always talking about it . It's on my try list .. https://www.blackriflecoffee.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjw7MzkBRAGEiwAkOXexIDABonFFfIDfyyzY4ITsVc6BrkxJr0FRlQDSlUMnPErw8NmGreunBoCSCYQAvD_BwE
  6. Nothing beats a hot cup of Stewart's coffee, by far my favorite .
  7. I just got it to for Camden, constantia,and panther lake areas.. Latham is 55 and sunny now,just fired the Weber up...
  8. Keurig family here, brands include caribou, green mountain, DD, and coffee house . Big fan of green mountains lake and lodge . Just a splash of regular creamer..
  9. It's like cars, it's all about comfort even in an ATV. As said, my 570 has done everything I asked of it, drags logs, large logs, cleans trails, drag deer ,helps me get to further out on back line quicker and takes my girls around the yard for a fun ride. I guess it all depends on what one needs . Good luck with the new quad .
  10. To my knowledge it's the same 570 ,44hp or so. Your one of the first I've heard to have issues, it's been a bullet proof engine
  11. My 2015 sportsman 570 has been issue free . It does what I need ,clean trails, pulls logs and drags deer.
  12. We are not a soda family at all, a two liter would last all year Every now and then I'll get a Stewart's cream soda, delish ........
  13. I'm running four cams years round at camp, they all get ray o vac batteries . They work great, I've compared and tested them to Duracell and Energizer and saw so benefit to spending the extra money . I change them out every 4 to five months depending when I get to camp. I then just use them in TV remote and flashlight until fully dead
  14. Someone got a deal, I'm a hour late ...
  15. Browning or moultrie, what type of battery did you use. I run my cams all year and change battery every six months just to be safe. The cold sub zero temps in winter to number on them . Your 2019 season looks promising.
  16. He should pick on someone his own size, if true I say good riddens.
  17. I think the same for kyler Murray, I think the Cards should keep John Allen and see what they can get for the 1st pick.
  18. Biz your chiefs should have kept Dorsey, he looks to be putting Cleveland on the map.
  19. First handgun I've seen with the flag on it,love it.
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