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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. I know for a fact that any knife that does not take the the form of knife appearance, say credit card, key chain, multi tool, etc. fall under New York knife laws against owning. Some multi tool knives fall in that gray area of the law.
  2. Sounds like Amazon is running on the side of caution with New York knife laws. Pretty soon, New York will be so safe ( they think) and know one will want to live here.
  3. May your lead fly true, for some venison stew..
  4. These picks are an active scrape. Many buck and doe pictures. Not as unusual as one would think.
  5. I don't know how wearing a plastic bag can keep you warm. I spent bucks, some years ago on a set of thermal coveralls. Now that keeps me toasty warm. Layers of clothing underneath. Wool socks keep my toes from falling off, until my feet sweat, then that ends that. My fingers, all bets are off with those.
  6. I remember Wolc's weight - girth chart. Quite a discussion about it, as I recall.
  7. Now I'm not one for hunting out of tents, as I don't like the limited sight they offer. I'm also one for natural cover. This structure, however, works well when natural cover isn't available. Mirror image reflex's whatever is in front. Deer walk right by it.
  8. Living around the Great lakes like we do, I don't put much faith in the forecast more than a couple days out Hunt in the weather we get.
  9. 7 year old with his 2 year old left side shed. Surprising how many live past peak.
  10. I hear ya. As age creeps up on me, the heated socks and gloves seem like a worth while investment. Just don't know what to buy.
  11. Little hard to make out but had some buck doe hanky panky this afternoon.
  12. Moved very early. Cloudy now, but we'll see sunshine soon.
  13. We took a doe like this with her hind quarters sliced open. Infection had set in and the meat had turn green. I would use my buck tag , if given the chance.
  14. Watch handling firewood; their in the cracks.
  15. My last buck is a 10 pointer. I'm guessing 2 1/2 year old. He could have been my 180 at 5.
  16. I'm being greedy, I want 180 or larger. I don't care how many points it takes. Do you think I should lower my limits?
  17. It's a strong subject for pro and anti firearm ownership in New York. Heating debates on this site showed that. I want my children, grand children, and their children to have the same right I have been given to own and bear firearms.
  18. Hell , I just found this posting. The problem is someone got offended on this site and took the political section out of the main heading listings. I know WNYBuckethunter was trying to lighten the heated discussions in the political section. I think the rational people that stayed with this forum, are able to discuss in that form. I for one, would like it to show back up in the main index again.
  19. We sat with 2 nice gentlemen , at the 2011 New York Big Buck Club dinner, that had harvest New York record bear up in the mountains The picture is posted on here under the forum, New York Big Buck Club towards the end, if your interested.
  20. How is the capital investment in property working out?
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