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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. Hey wolly, nice job on the carvings. Great taste in saws too, LOL. 

    As you may or may not know, I'm handling the prize portion of the 2018 HNY. deer contest. Would you be interested in carving a little somethings for the contest? Doesn't have to be much. I'm sure a lot of people on here would just adore it. Would be very special to the lucky one too.  Let me know. Thanks a lot.       Gary.

  2. At least you're still young enough where they still ask for ID.. They stopped asking me years ago, LOL.
  3. It's New York your talking about here. I'm sure lifetime license are the last thing on the agenda.
  4. I call these: 1) Me and the Kids; 2) Peak a boo. 3) Mind if I cut in. 4) Who says we can't share.
  5. Red and white oak trees have been dropping immature nuts here since 4th of July. Most likely because of the droughts conditions we have been experiencing. Not many, that I see left on the trees. The shag bark hickories have been dropping for 2 weeks and what's there look fully mature.Maybe enough to feed the squirrels. Beech trees never have many. Walnuts did well, as they seem to do every year. Not many wild apples.This should be the on year for them too. Good weather when they were in blossom, but didn't set fruit. One Quince apple tree has a few.
  6. Just finishing up the oat hay Friday, when it turned dark to the west. Got a quick, well deserved inch out of it before the sun came back out. Funny storm; strange movement on these storms this summer. Clouds moving due north with the whole system sliding east. We'll this should help us out with new regrowth in the hay fields and and plantings now in soils or future. Looking greener already. Deer have already food the new protein source
  7. Well, when it rains it pours. Gully washer this afternoon. Got a quick inch in about fifteen minutes. Plot will be right up now. I am happier than a frogs hair, LOL.
  8. We got an inch and one half two weeks ago Sunday and a ground wetting the following Wednesday; that is it. Weather Service says our county hasn't been this dry in decades. Even with dark clouds over head, nothing in them. I'm looking into a water truck, to pull water out of the canal and spray on the plots. It's getting that serious.
  9. I know of several people using asphalt shingle rain barrel water for irrigating their gardens. Water doesn't stay on the asphalt singles to long. What a few seconds before it's in the gutters. I guess if it really bothers you, move the garden.
  10. We could take the whole 7 inches through the month of August, (not in a day) and it would sure help.
  11. Glad to see things looking up there. Yes the corn looks better, but I can show you fields of no till corn planted on heavy ground that's done. You plant protein and carbs. deer will come, LOL. I was in the Rapids over the weekend for a get together. They got thunder showers we didn't get.
  12. No rain again today here. I just got done reading a "Rain" thread by growalot from 2016. Almost the same exact replay this year here. Here's hoping August replays out this year to what it did in 16. I rain the disc over some June plowed wheat ground today. It's bone dry as deep as the disc dug. Dust in the air on an east wind.
  13. And then comes 2018, a replay of 16. I hope, a least for August.
  14. Someone know how to put a live counter on. Pretty neat when Deerthug use to do it.
  15. Take care of the school taxes and pick up the hunting license. A chance to talk to the supervisor all at one time.
  16. This state could give a rats azz when it comes to hunting. It's all political football being kicked around year after year. The losers are the people that pay their fair share of tax money. I wonder how Puerto Rico is this time of year?
  17. It's hard at this point for me to set many stands. A big question mark zooms as to what the food sources will be in October. If this drought continues, it will be a different call come hunting time altogether.
  18. July 22 was the last 3/10th rainfall here. Planted a food plot this morning and all I can do is hope for rain. So different than a year ago when all it did was rain here.
  19. Pretty please with the potato growth this dry year. No irrigation. Onions , size of a golf ball. Tomatoes and peppers have had it. Just planted some pickles. How is everyone else"s doing?
  20. We have had a little more than 2 1/2 inches of rain since Memorial day. Got to be close to a record in this area.
  21. I have used the tin pie plates before along with an occasional wind chime. This spot, where I planted the potatoes is protected from the wind and the Irish Spring worked very well. I was given 25 lbs of dirty pea seed Going to try some pea planting in August. Last time I planted peas like this, the deer had a convention at my place and wiped them out in a few nights. The soap may just come in handy for a deterrent.
  22. It doesn't show it in the pics, but their was quite a bit of moisture in the rolled ground. That rainfall we had a week ago Sunday really helped a lot. I do believe their is enough moisture to sprout the seed and get it up. Beyond that, I don't know how long before the seedlings run out of moisture and wither away.
  23. I can really understand your frustration; I really can. I do believe however that the "hands on" part of the coarse is something that is very much needed. Personal instruction is something that just can't be realized from a computer.
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