Hey, i follow and read every post and have for 3 years now, only posted a few time. Yesterday was one of my best all time bow days ever. Got nin stand a 5AM and didnt see anything most the day. A lone doe at 8:30 AM, then a lone 4 PT at 2:30 PM. At 4PM i was thinking as you often do, am i going to go another all day sit this time of year and really only see what i noted above? I was in one of my sitting stretches at 4PM and look behind me, 8 does coming at me single file. Well they literally stayed under me 15 minutes and finally walked off back the way they came. I contemplated after that as it had been a long day, then my common sense kicked in and i said to myself, you idiot, still till legal time. I stand up, get my crossbow in hand, catch movement behind me sand look over my shoulder and this guy comes right down the lane the does were on. What a day, what a feeling!