Hi everyone, wanted to ask you folks opinion on those roof-mounted tents before I go and spend 1K lol
What I like about such tents is the fact that I will not sleep on the ground, which is not really good for my healts as I've got certain prroblems. Summer is fine, but when I go outdoors in spring or fall, I do not sleep in a tent because of that, and sleeping in a truck is just a nightmare! So far, that's the solution I found. And I realize, that it will take some time to install and remove the tent. What else do I have to consider before I finally go and buy the tent? Anyone has got experience with these tents? If so, please share. That's the tent I was looking at, and I consider it because of the opportunity to add an extra awning to store my gear, but if you can recommend something within this price range, let me know.