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About TrailcamTom

  • Birthday 11/01/1988

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    New York
  • Interests
    Compound Bows, Outdoors, and Deer Tracking

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  • Hunting Location
    New York, Massachusetts
  • Bow
  • HuntingNY.com
    Google Search

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  1. In case you wanted an approximation of deer size or other characteristics in images here's a quick formula to measure. It's not a necessarily important measure, but sometimes it's fun to get into the weeds. Width and height calculations are done separately. To measure width, simply replace the height values below. The best way to gauge distance is by setting up stakes around a trail cam. This is still an approximation though. Distance to Object (feet) - It's useful to place markers in front of trail camera to quickly gauge distance. Sensor Height/Width (mm)* - Average width is usually around 5.76 and average height is around 4.29. Object/Deer Height In Image (pixels) - Use paint or any image software to check number of pixels using the 'select box' tool. Image Height (pixels) - Either check the properties of the image or use the same method as above. Lens Focal Length (mm)* - Usually around 7.6. *Sensor Height and Focal Length can be found in your trail cam manual
  2. @grampy I appreciate the questions, and thanks for being patient! Not yet, I'm about to get my course started. Hunting with a bow and plan to hunt on public lands. I'm going to learn as I go for this season. A few members have already reached out via messages, which has been really helpful. Yep, deer will be my main target. As I've been reading, much of the hunting in NY is in the North, as it's a bit of a trip for me, I'm going to limit the distance to about 2-3 hours driving (from White Plains) although it may be a bit optimistic.
  3. @dbHunterNYI'm in the White Plains area, but I'm happy to make the trek wherever it's worthwhile. Luckily I do, although they're mainly in Florida and Texas (part of the reason I joined here). Any recommendations are welcome!
  4. Hello, I’ve been a long-time follower of this forum but this is my first time posting. I’m quite new to hunting, and I'm looking forward to learning even more than I already have from you all! With a background in statistics I used to help my family in predicting deer activity using trail cams and I’m finally getting the courage to get out. I’ve been recreationally blogging about using my approach to stats so feel free to message me and I’ll be more than happy to chat and help where I can!
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