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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. I no all the federl parks you have to pay . Out west also
  2. Do other liberal states do this like California? If not then I don't think you will have to worry about that.
  3. Does that mean if I like to hunt bike and hike I have to pay 3 times under your system lol No thanks Let the dogs pay if they want to go on the trails . The bikers hikers and nature lovers don't bother me I am one of them at times
  4. That's why I would limit it to dog owners a,lot that go on the trails don't follow the rules. dogs spook the crap out of game and there owners dont pick the crap off the trails . And let them run wild . The bird watchers bikers hikers are much more respectful for the most part .
  5. My idea would make at least dog owners buy a Conservation Stamp the trails are full of dog crap near me from them ,and a lot ingnor leash laws . We have to buy a license to hunt there and they for free can walk there dog there nice system we have .
  6. I think hunting would be more popular if media folks would stop giving the anti-hunting people a huge platform on tv to speak out against it . There are people that oppose A lot of things but usually they don't let them on TV or mention them in articles . Like the anti football groups.
  7. Yes I get you , but for once in my life I would like to see an article where morals is,left out of the article all together like in other sports . For example there people morally who object to violent sports like football but When is the last time you saw that in a article talking about football? All I'm saying I wish the media would treat hunting like they do all other sports . And not have to write in every single article something about the anti-hunting groups argument. Just like you almost never here about the anti football groups argument about football being a violent sport teaching kids to be violent.
  8. I still say it should have been written a better way . With out bringing up morals into it .
  9. Fact is when you have a predominant amount of leftist working in the major media Outlets you are amplifying this problem most people are sheep they object hunting not because they object to it' it is because 9 out of 10 times they saw some propaganda on TV about it and have been brain washed to think that , same with gun control and NRA now these same people are brainwashing a whole generation into giving up there 2ed Amendment rights right before are eyes.
  10. Why does he even have to go there . There are nuts that don't eat meat . Who cares why bring it up . Because you want to make the point about hunters being less of good person then the kind gentle nature watcher that is why . It's, like on those survival shows where they make it a sad dramatic thing when someone kills a animal . Are you blind . Gee you don't think the constant moral shaming these leftys put out about hunters and hunting on tv does not have a impact on the younger generation of course it does that is part of the problem why you have less hunters .
  11. When I read propaganda like hunting is a moral issue and more people are nature walking and bird watching I don't need to read the rest to know what this guy is getting at . Every story these guys write always has this leftist moral superiority slant to it and I for one am sick of it . The narrative of that story is hunters are not moral but a necessary evil to found conversation. Maybe you don't get it but that is what the author is saying with out saying it . If you know what I mean .
  12. I hunt alot of public land and yes I see less hunters then I saw 35 years ago but . Let me tell you there still alot and a big part are coming from NYC and LI to hunt up here . Just think how many more there would be if they had hunting land closer to there homes. That is the thing you need good land access . Even if a guy wants, to hunt he may get out of the sport just for the fact he has no good land access close to home. Also kids are just less active these days all a Out door sports are down not just hunting this is where that article you can tell was written by a lefty. He says, more people are out hiking and nature walking instead of hunting lol that is just not true . The only people you see walking on trails usally these days are people with there dogs that dont want to pick up after it so they go in the woods for that reason only there not there hiking or nature walking .
  13. The part about less hunting and more people hiking and nature watching I was talking about . Who thinks hunting a moral issue ? Hmm hint Far left nut jobs that is who "The shift is being welcomed by some who morally oppose the sport, but it's also leading to a crisis."
  14. With these basic tools a drill a angle grinder , jigsaw and a hydraulic jack you can pretty much open anything . using a hidden compartment as you first line of protection is safer then a safe . What you can't find you can't Steal .
  15. That is why I say best Security in your home is to hide it , hidden walls closets floors Etc.
  16. Just use a hydraulic jack pop it right off
  17. This topic reminds me of a story I heard about this guy who got a brand new 100,000 car and was bragging to his friends how the security system was so great and that it could not be stolen. So one night he goes out to restaurant parks his car on the street someplace comes back and his car gets stolen by someone with a flat bed tow truck
  18. Im know expert but The weak part of most safes is the door hinge anyone with a angle Grinder can cut them open in know time and there are probably even better ways that professional thieves know of to get into them . Hidden is always best .
  19. They need to figure out a way to balance the vote /power from NYC to me it is not fare that one part of the state has so much power over the rest of the state .
  20. To be honest lets hope so . Nixon reminds me of another Nancy Pelosi on steroids
  21. Yep best way to secure something is make it disappear. If know one knows it is in the house you don't have to worry about it or how strong it is .
  22. Well she is a lesbo in the lib progressive world that means she is smarter then everyone. I think That Is there new cause isn't it these days . At least that seems to be the only reason they want her to run looks like . Identity politics.
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