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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. I just don't see it except now with all this media controversy some of these women will be generating more revenue then the man soccer players . But its not from soccer it is from political activism .In general all sports Revenue is down . Ok then if there is all this unfairness between men and women in the job market Please explain why women models make more then men ? Same in the adult film industry And there as sleazy as a industry as can be but they still pay the women more . What people pay is just all supply and damand driven nothing more nothing less . Have a job skill nobody else can do you get more money if they need that skill and can't find someone to do it for less, it is that simple . Economics 101 .
  2. Yea they do taste like chicken except tuffer meat not as tender at least the store bought ones I had one time were . Have not seen any frogs around here in years . Not that I have been looking in any pounds lately.
  3. I suspect it's all propaganda and disinformation people get paid what the market says there worth. There is no market for womens soccer like there is for mens globally. This PR stunt will no dought artificially make some of them worth more now then before but it is not from them playing soccer it is from now there political activism. Like that t bag who got the deal from Nike capercock/ nick or whatever his name is .
  4. Well golly gee I don't know Looks like part of a meth lab kit . is there something you want to tell us ?
  5. I didn't see that post but I can tell you outside usa nobody watches womens soccer . Ask any Brazilian or Mexican who love soccer about womens soccer they will look at you with confusion.
  6. Those are so cool never understood why they don't let cool things like that street legal it is nobody's business but the driver if they are not that safe as a car anyway that's why there is insurance.
  7. The worst professional mens soccer team in the world would destroy the best womens soccer team there is . So until they can play as good as the men they get paid less so simple .
  8. He reminds of the town old drunk or someones old uncle you see always talking crazy BS at the local shit hole bar just about every small town has one of these guys .
  9. You don't know what birch bark is ? Or the other stuff you carry then why do you carry it ? I'm not even a survival expert and I know that ? Never claimed to be either on here . Don't know why you think I am . Just use a lighter already or bring two MacGyver and something that burns easy Like Char cloth . You want my blessing or something?
  10. Well a lot of guys are just trying to fill the freezer nothing wrong with that either .
  11. How someone hunts is a personal preference unless you are stalking the woods of public lands don't really think you can make a big deal about fence hunting . Private land is still fenced maybe not to the animals but definitely off limits to most hunters . The only issue I can see is if the property is so small that there is no possible way the animals can evade the hunters like what happens in a none fenced scenario.
  12. I definitely don't know more then you after all you have a blaser .
  13. Well naturally you know everything my mistake. Not sure I said I did ? Did I? I most of missed that post ?
  14. I can find more variety of weights up to 200, 220 grain ammo in any gun store for 30-06 Not so for 308 . At least that is what I noticed. .
  15. Ok got you now, I agree m14 better gun
  16. This is interesting conversation about caliber selection on game
  17. Like I said I'm biased lol because I have more the one rifle in 30-06 already and shit load of ammo already and the stuff can be found every place and in a lot more weights . Then 308 in the stores. Unless you hand load you are not going to find the selection in 308 at your local gun store like with 30-06 . Here is a article that does a far better job at talking about it then I can. https://www.outdoorlife.com/30-06-springfield-best-cartridge-big-game-hunting/
  18. There not in 30-06 Better bullet selection then the 308 and a little more power Which makes it More useful if you wanted to hunt with it . For just military use doesn't really matter . Beside I like it better because I have tons of 30-06 ammo already some from my grandfather . lol How good were the new military cartridge and rifle? Well, both helped win WWI and WWII. But hunters didn’t wait for wars to test the set up. Teddy Roosevelt, fresh out of the White House in 1909, took a sporterized Springfield .30/06 on his African safari. Despite his poor shooting, it proved so effective that his friend and author Stewart Edward White followed suit in 1911. Earnest Hemingway shot a .30/06 on his 1933 safari, stopping a big lion and making a one-shot kill on a running rhino at some 300 yards. By the mid-20th century the .30/06 was well established as the ideal, middle-of-the-road, do-it-all “light” cartridge against which others were judged. It fired everything from 100-grain plinkers to 220-grain solids and dispatched everything from carrot-raiding rodents to hut-stomping pachyderms. From equatorial jungles to the Arctic, the .30/06 was king despite competition from its own offspring, the .270 Winchester, plus the magnum-length .300 H&H and .300 Weatherby Magnum
  19. You guys got to be joking four season has the greatest job in the world if you like to hunt . Think about it he gets to have a large track of land to hunt on that is all financed buy his deer operation. Win win Now I want to know the back story on how he got into that business in the first place ?
  20. This is what I would love to have Garand that takes magazines
  21. Public land is good if you just want to hunt with nothing but maybe a blind but as soon as you start dealing with climbers and steps and this and that unless you are successful fast ,all that crap carrying in and out and the set up is more trouble then it worth it spoils the fun of even going out there at least personally that is how I feel about .
  22. I believe women get equal pay if there is a demand for what ever it is they do . For example Women models make more then men models . It's the consumer who decides how much people are paid .
  23. Don't watch it, saw the one with the big mouth on the news . Now I'm really not going to watch it !!!! Dumb athletes should stick to what they are good at same goes for all the actors with the same bad habits that think there opinions on politics means anything special.
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