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  1. I have a Cabelas VRL-1 Varmint Light mounted on my Savage Mark II TR 22LR https://bestoutdooritems.com/predator-hunting-lights-reviews/ It produces a lot of light and a lot of visibility for about 150-200 yards. It comes with two batteries (every few hours), a home and car charger, a green and red light bulb, as well as the necessary equipment to mount it to my scope or rail.It has a pressure button that you can velcro to the side of the rifle and activate the light while aiming. Check out this video how to properly use lights.
  2. I have lonewolf and summit and both have their place. summit is 100x more comfortable but lonewolf allows for a few more angles. I will gladly make a bet that I can climb a tree 25 yards away from you in the dark and you wouldn't know what stand I was climbing with. it is very important to get very well acquainted with your equipment and be able to use it to the best of both it's and your own abilities.
  3. I was out from 5:15am and came in from the woods at 7:05 and I saw 30 does, 1 buck at 327yrds, 3 coyotes, 1 red fox and 2 groundhogs. All in al i think it was a good day...Just glad to be back in the woods/field...All the does were with-in 13 yrds...
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