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Lawdwaz last won the day on February 2

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About Lawdwaz

  • Birthday 08/16/1961

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    Right Here.....

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  • HuntingNY.com
    Scratched on mens room wall in gun club

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  1. Ran off with the UPS driver?
  2. Amazing. 20 years ago I’d never dream “Rifle Hunting” would even come to the southern tier, now Niagara County? It won’t affect me but I’m happy for those that can, just let’s be careful and know your backdrop.
  3. Doc, the shore of Canadice is always an option. I’ve fished it for fifty plus years, not consecutively though. Lol
  4. Congratulations to Erica! Certainly something fot the entire family to be proud of.
  5. Condolences and good thoughts to all his friends and family. The memories will live on…….
  6. Thanks for posting that. I always enjoyed Jim’s show. Didn’t know he was a newscaster earlier in life.
  7. Looking forward to your range reports.
  8. Happy Birthday Jason! 40 yet?!?!
  9. You're correct, east side of Goodrich......
  10. Had to be quite a job hanging that beast.
  11. Pretty difficult to judge a deer from a photo. Since the poster said that's what they weighed, you have to assume they were weighed on a decent scale and not assumed to weigh what he stated. Needless to say the accuracy between different scales can vary.....
  12. 217lbs dressed, my biggest although I did kill one other at 205lbs.
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