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So Friday I had enough time to slip into a stand for only the 3rd time this season. Life has been so busy raising 3 young kids, mom and dad working 2 more than full time jobs, trying to expand our careers etc.. But I recently got some daytime, and some just after dark photos of my #1 buck. The wind was NW so I picked a setup that was located near where these pics were taken and where the does tend to congregate before and after dark. Not far from one of my plots, and apple trees. I call this the safe place cause they are here all the time day or night. While watching a spike and doe mingle around a couple hundred yards out I snapped some pictures on my newly acquired Sony Hd video cam. While doing so i heard some scraping behind me over my shoulder. I turned around and seen a buck in action, scraping and urinating down his legs. I turnthe camera to the center opening, slowly reached for my bow. Glancing through the oak branches littered with leaves yet, i picked out a decent rack, so i removed the bow from its hanger. As he began walking out into the field i caught another glimpse of the rack, It was my #1 buck i call "The Ghost" .. I have been very good with controlling emotions and such while having shooters present in bow range. But I totally lost it and started shaking like crazy. This deer is one of my 8.5 yrs old, and haven't even laid eyes on him since 2012 when he was a 3.5yrs.. When I elected to pass him due to some brush, on the opening day of Gun. But a lot of history through trail cam pics.. Now Back to the story, I had just ranged a couple markers in the field to know yardage in case something happened fast, like this was unfolding.. I dialed in my HHA single pin to 40yrds where i believed he was heading.. and began to draw as he entered the center of the shooting lane in this picture.. he was heading for that doe on a steady walk. So I as softly as possible gave him the "meh", in hopes he wouldn't become fully alert, and only just peek my my way... Well he became fully alert staring me down.. Between the shakes and the trying to hurry and settle the pin before he bolts, I forgot to hold lower, on him and squeezed as the pin found the halfway mark up the back of his shoulder instead.. I don't believe he ducked at all and sent the arrow an inch or so over his back. My heart Sank!! Everything I tell myself "not to do" while at full draw, I did in the heat of the moment. Mad, Sad, bummed, sick to my stomach.. you name it. I guess its what we call Buck Fever.. After replaying the shot over and over again in my head, I thought to myself he wasn't quite 40, so I ranged that spot again, he was at 35yrds, not 40... Then thought to myself, ill check the video! Wrong.. while moving the camera, i never hit the record button... another Bummer! lol To wait on this deer, and finally get the chance with lots of history over the years and blow it! I'm staying positive due to the fact he didn't spook much, trotted 20 yards and stopped and glanced back at me, i had another arrow knocked already but those oak leaf branches blocked any shot.. and he slowly walked away.. I think he may be kill able still .. I just need to pick the right days on the right wind and the right stands and hope for the best... I do have more shooters on the lineup but this guy just made me want him even more now.. Anyhow, the reason i posted this here is for the fact of Practicing QDM. It is such a blessing to have animals of his caliber in our woods, and we aren't even a 100% co-op. Maybe 60% ish in some sort of management plan, and on poorer soils. But to pass the young bucks up and watch them and all other critters in their glory is amazing. To wait for a true slammer of a wise whitetail and beat him at his game, is just incredible, and astonishing. But to miss when the opportunity arises, is just super hard to swallow. Ive been here before, Ill probably be here again lol. Its part of the game. And its why I love to bow hunt more than gun hunt. But he will be even harder to tackle down now.. and an even bigger accomplishment if i was lucky enough again.. Decided to post a couple pictures.. Rant Over lol Good luck Everyone, Its the magical Time of year!!
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Greetins Folks Mapping out my land. Was going to put in a 1/2 acre stand of corn. Researching it. A lot of peeps say it is a waste of time for a stand that small. By the time you need it, it is wiped out (rodents, coons, deer, etc...) What is your experience? I am in southern Ontario County and it would be about the only corn around. Thanks!
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