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Syracuse.com - Crossbow bill delayed. Governor asking if some kind of compromise can be reached

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The bill passed both houses of the state Legislature on June 21. The governor has still not asked that it be sent to him for his signature. If the bill fails to become law, the DEC-endorsed youth firearms hunt, set this year for Columbus Day weekend, would go on as scheduled.

I reported last week that the new crossbow bill that has passed both houses of the state Legislature, currently sits on Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s desk awaiting his signature.

I’ve since found out that’s not entirely true. The bill (A10583) passed both houses June 21. A call Friday morning to the bill’s sponsor, Assemblyman Robert K. Sweeney, D-Lindenhurst, in Suffolk County, revealed the bill is still with the state Assembly. The Assembly is still technically in session, but most members are back in their home offices and no bills are being passed at this time.

Sweeney’s bill would continue the current law governing crossbows, which only allows their use in hunting deer during the regular firearms season and late muzzleloading seasons, until Dec. 31, 2014. It would continue to ban use of crossbows during the regular hunting season. It would also kill the DEC-endorsed, special youth firearms hunt for deer set for the upcoming Columbus Day weekend, which is a month away.

If for some reason the bill languishes past Oct. 5, the youth firearms hunt weekend could go on as planned. Young hunters, ages 14 and 15 (accompanied by licensed adult mentors) would be able to take to the woods that following weekend to hunt deer with shotguns — or in counties where it’s allowed, rifles.

“Typically, what happens is he (the governor) requests bills when he’s ready for them. He hasn’t requested this one yet,” Sweeney said. The assemblyman added said Cuomo is hearing from both sides on the crossbow issue and has inquired if it may be possible to reach an agreement that “does something a little different than what the bill proposes.

“I’m willing to give that a try. I’m not going to say it’s my way or no way,” Sweeney said.

Stay tuned.

View the full article on The Syracuse Outdoors Blog

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