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luberhill last won the day on May 10

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    Central NY
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  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. The bill says “ during a special archery season” ????
  2. Does it have to go thru more approvals before its law
  3. No that’s not what they said , I already have that they said if you are 60 or older you can use crossbow during the entire season , nothing to do with disability , that doesn’t matter how old you are
  4. I don’t see a thing saying that but was told at a local gun shop it’s true ??
  5. I was kinda looking for a Remington .243 auto but then started looking at the BAR I read someplace yesterday that Browning stopped making the BAR
  6. Had a hen come out at 8:00 this morning . I have my doubts if I’ll see a Tom so this being the first year I’ve Turkey hunted I think I’ve learned a lot . When the fall season starts , any tips? do I use my mouth call ? hunt open fields on edge of woods ? hunt woods ? hunt early mornings ? stay all day ? hunt later afternoons ? appreciate any help
  7. My boss told me he heard gobbling today at 11:30 I feel like I’m wasting my time , I haven’t seen only one bird for weeks and that was on my trail cam
  8. I’m out now , windy, haven’t seen or heard a thing in days it’s gonna be tough from here till season ends I think I had a long beard on my cam a few days ago , all alone not sure if I should hang it up until fall
  9. A hunter near me said he saw a hen with little ones yesterday . Isnt this early ?? I thought they were still breeding
  10. the weeks before and first week of season I was getting lots of pics of big long beards and hens on my cameras . They were coming out of the woods to a field area I kept mowed . i set up my ground blind and had one big Tom come close .. I haven’t seen a turkey on any of my cameras since ?? would it still be worth putting out my hen decoy on this mower of and calling ?
  11. Seems like cables breaking is what I hear more of . Im 65 so I don’t take chances .. I’m attached to a lifeline as soon as my feet leave the ground , then I have another wide strap around the tree above my head that I hook into as soon as I’m seated . I pull my gun / bow up once I’m seated .. I feel pretty secure
  12. Seems like most treestand accidents are with climbers
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