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Syracuse.com - Sandy Creek woman shares some really cool photographs from her trail camera

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The camera has snapped shots of deer, a wood duck, foxes, a coyote and a Canada goose.

11609965-large.jpgSubmitted photoWhen no one is watching, the deer will play.Trail cameras a real cool devices. They can photograph what's there when you're not.

Theresa Groman, of Sandy Creek, who sent me these pictures, wrote:

"These are from my trail camera taken in the town of Sandy Creek from our property on Sandy Pond in Oswego County. You can see how the young deer are running around and playing in the water. They remind me of how our black labs play in the same spot!

"I also included some of my favorite fox & coyote (?) photos. The foxes are at their fox holes and the coyote is at a beaver dam.

11609969-large.jpgSubmitted photoIt looks like these foxes are asking, "Who goes there?""Finally, here are still some more from the same place. The goose and heron walked right by the tree that the camera was on and I love these shots. I also sent one of wood duck."

Thanks for sharing, Theresa!

11609974-large.jpgSubmitted photoA fox near his hole.

11609947-large.jpgSubmitted photoA coyote slips by.

11609944-large.jpgSubmitted photoA great blue heron.

11609953-large.jpgSubmitted photoA Canada goose minding it's own business.

11609959-large.jpgSubmitted photoA wood duck.

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