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Water Rat

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Water Rat last won the day on January 17

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    Dutchess County , New York

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  1. I saw this guy across the street from my house yesterday. Every year I see what the mange does to the local red fox population. Once a red fox gets the mange , it'll den up with another fox and then they both will have it.......and on and on it goes. I feel bad for it but there's too many houses around to end it's suffering.
  2. I picked up this guy a couple of days ago from the taxidermist. It was just about a year ago when I caught him. I knew of a hot otter toilet on a local steam that I wanted to trap but I kept putting off for a couple of years. Luckily last year I set it up because when I went to check on it a few days ago , I noticed a large tree fell right where the toilet was. These otters certainly have beautiful fur.
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