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The evening i didnt hunt.


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Normally on Tuesday evenings i get out for a couple hours cause my old lady watches the new baby. this even i did not go out, but i was at my hunting ground which is my parents house / land. my dad needed help with moving some sheet for his pull barn. so after work i head right up there all smelly from machine shop oil and coolant, we move the stuff and then i think i'm gonna go out back and check the field so i take my binos and me and my dad head back only about 100 yards away from his house to the top of a hill. I look fast and see nothing......wait there is a a buck my dad says i check it out and its a nice 8 point.We standing at the top of the hill watching this buck from about 250 yards i watch as he walks right to the stand i normally sit in on tuesday evenings. bummer. but ill get him soon.

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