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Syracuse.com - Tales from the Woods: Young hunter has close encounter with a skunk while heading out to his treestand

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Have a interesting, lesson-learning or downright funny hunting tale to share? Send it to me at [email protected] or call 470-6066.

The following story was submitted by Don Therre, of North Syracuse:

Many years ago I was going hunting with my parents on opening day as was our tradition. It would start with an early breakfast at our house and then we’d head to our selected stands before daylight. We walked together along the trail until going our separate ways.

“As this was my first time going to this spot in the dark, I decided to wait until I could make out the area my stand was in. Suddenly, my peripheral vision spotted movement about 6 feet away.

“It was a skunk. I was a high school student at the time and visions of sitting in a tub full of tomato juice with a scrub brush didn’t appeal to me.

“My first inclination was to run. The next thought was that any movement could be interpreted as provocation. I became a tree. Not just any tree, but an unwavering oak.

“Coming closer, it smelled my boots for several tense minutes before apparently determining that I wasn’t food, shelter, a possible mate or any threat. It continuing on its way. I breathed a sigh of relief and headed for my stand.

View the full article on The Syracuse Outdoors Blog

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