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Syracuse.com - Things the successful CNY deer hunter should keep in mind opening weekend (see video on how to field dress a deer)

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Hunters who don't want to keep their venison can donate it to the needy. They can also donate hides to help veterans at the Veterans Adminstration Hospital in Syracuse.

So, you’ve shot a deer. Now what?

Saturday’s opener of the deer hunting season for firearms in the Southern Zone will see a host of successful hunters — hunters who should keep several things in mind after they find their downed deer.

Know the law

Properly fill out the tag on your hunting license at the location where the deer was shot — before you begin the gutting process. You can wait to actually attach the tag, but it must be done before the deer is put in or on a vehicle, including an ATV.

Don’t even think of transporting an untagged deer in your vehicle. Conservation officers have little tolerance for that.

The law also requires you to report your harvest to the state’s DECALS system, either online or by phone, within seven days. For more, see the DEC’s hunting guide or go online to dec.ny.gov/.

A trophy mount?

Taxidermists say the quality of the mount depends on how the hunter takes care of the deer in the field and immediately afterward. Tips include:

- When gutting the deer, stop at the breastplate.

- Don’t drag your deer by the neck or wrap a rope around the neck.

- Very important: Don’t get the hide wet if you can avoid it.

- Don’t leave your deer to hang for days. Bring the severed neck/head, with additional hide, to the taxidermist as soon as possible. Do it within 24 hours, before bacterial decay sets in.

- When skinning your deer, leave the hide down to where the breastbone is, and a lot of leg skin. If you have any questions, call the taxidermist or a local butcher before you cut, so they can talk you through it.

Donating venison/hides

Most hunters savor the venison from the deer they call. Others give it away to appreciative family members or friends.

Hunters can also donate their venison through local meat processors that cooperate with the CNY Venison Donation Coalition. The venison goes to local food pantries. See venisondonation.com.

Meanwhile, Camillus Elks Club is collecting deer hides for the 11th straight year.

The hides should be dropped off at the lodge, at 6117 Newport Road, Camillus. They should be brought as soon as possible because they deteriorate. The hides will be cleaned and salted by club members and then sold to a tannery.

Profits will be used to buy incidentals for the veterans at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Syracuse. Call 672-3106.

Interested in learning how to gut and field dress a deer? Check out this video from the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife that goes through the entire process.

View the full article on The Syracuse Outdoors Blog

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