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Syracuse.com - Outdoors Tale: Marcellus deer hunter tells of taking two coyotes with a bow

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We had a neighbor lose a dog to coyotes a few years ago and the owner of the land I hunt has told me if you get a shot at a coyote please take it.

11891237-large.jpg Submitted photo Ron Reeve, of Marcellus, sent in this picture and the following story:.

"I was encouraged by neighbors to tell this story when it happened, but I've had many unique stories connected with hunting over the past 45 years and those were with animals that lived. I don't relish talking about taking game.

"We had a neighbor lose a dog to coyotes a few years ago and the owner of the land I hunt has told me if you get a shot at a coyote please take it.

"It was either October 30th, 2009 or October 29th, 1010.

" It was an extremely foggy morning as I made my way into my tree stand to hunt deer about 6:45 a.m. The wet conditions from the fog made the walk quiet and there was almost no wind. I alternately sat and stood quietly until 8:00 a.m. I had been sitting about 10 minutes when I saw 3 animals moving toward me on the edge of a swamp I was hunting.

"I quickly realized the 3 animals were coyotes. There were 2 smaller ones on the wings about 10 to 15 yards in front of a larger one. They were spread out about 30 yards from wing to wing and zigzagging to my left. I thought the one on the left flank might come down the run I was watching 20 yards to my left. Past experience had taught me how easily they are alerted and how quickly they disappear.

"At 60 yards out I drew my bow and waited. The one on the left flank came to the game trail as I hoped. I decided to take him if he slowed to a walk. He did and I released the arrow. He ran 25 yards and dropped.

"The other 2 immediately disappeared into the swamp cover. I still had 3 arrows left and decided to continue to wait for deer as what little wind there was, was favorable that nothing would get his scent where he lay. Forty-five minutes later I could see white coming through the trees.

"I was expecting a nice buck, but the white turned into the white, brown pattern of nother coyote. I realized from it's actions it was looking for the one I had recently shot, but he was upwind by only 15 yards of his family member. I drew the bow again and waited and now what turned out to be the largest of the three walked to my arrow that was stuck in the ground from the previous shot and started to sniff the fletching.

"I released another arrow and he ran into the swamp out of sight. I decided that any deer in his right mind would probably not be making a visit into this area this morning so I got down, collected the first one I shot, then followed the trail to the second about 30 yards in the opposite direction.

"I assume from the size difference It might have been Dad coming back looking for his son."

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