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got the cross bow all ready....


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Today I was shopping on line and saw the Steady Ready by Ten Point...attachable mono rest...79.99..ouch...So I went to the Knight and Hail web site...they made the original Steady Ready rest for regular bows....it was on sale for 20.00 shipping included...I ordered one..

This way I have a mono rest that attaches to my arm and can be used for the bows and my guns while stalking or in any stand without a gun rest...beats the stuffing out of 80.00 bucks....lol....will have it Friday...going out this afternoon with crossbow for a doe...maybe...scouting buck for late season

Edited by growalot
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Then seriuosly messed up...OMG...every thing dragging out that buck....4 days later I can still barely move...though breathing doesn't hurt as bad now...looks like I'll be using int in muzzle loading...Well hopefully

all that growing you do and you ain't dragging out with a tractor?c-mon grow,whats up with that?
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Arrow we did but I didn't take him in an open area....in the woods and then he went deeper into the woods....this area the tractor couldn't fit...and we still had the disc on...so I dragged him to the nearest opening...

Any how ...I got my first miss with the cross bow tonight,,,OK it was fun...I got out real late ...my UPS guy showed up as I was leaving late...showed him the bucks rack...he gave me a tip on someone that does euro mounts for 50-60 dollars

I got to the stand and 15 min before close in walks the 6pt....and I hear more behind him ...grb bow and look to my left and 2 big doe and a fawn are 55 yrds out and coming my way..I get ready as the biggest breaks away from the others and comes in...I ranged her at 27 yrds and get her in the scope...when she looks past me and spooks....I turn my head to see what she's looking at but don't see anything...now Mr.6pt re appears and is headed toward her...she turns and I zero in on her again...

I have to estimate how much she moved away from me and aim a little low due to her being alert....she presents a good quartering away and I have the cross hairs behind her shoulder and a bit low...squeeze...TWANG and everyone runs away...I knew I missed the way she bound off...the bolt was easy to find...I walked right to where she stood at the shot deep hoof prints and dirt on top of the snow and the bolt buried half way up the shaft and 4 inches behind the front hoof print...OOHHH so close....but a clean miss...I also may have dropped my arm a bit ...the steady ready will stop that

Did get to see that little 6pt...he's not so little body size next to the doe...which surprised me a bit...but still a pass...should he be around in late archery...fun being out again....

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The Steady Ready arrived today....OK going to love this little tool easy to use....straps to your arm and folds fairly short and you can lock it tight to your arm while walking in ..so hands free carrying...and man can I hold my cross bow and the gun steady using it....this will be great during spring turkey in the open blinds....

Going out one more time for a doe with the cross bow then switching to the shot gun until Sunday...then back to my regular bow for late archery...missing the bow....like the challenge and hhhmmm......relative ease of it

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