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Interesting Article On "Mentally Ill" Violence Stats, Etc.


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Interesting to note, that 4% of all violent crimes are committed by mentally ill people. That still leaves 96% that commit these crimes, that don't have any mental illness at all. It's also noted, in this article, that there was absolutely NO Proof, that Lanza had any mental illness at all. Having a son that is Fragile X Syndrome, who's as harmless as hell, I take offense somewhat to the blame game on the mentally ill. It's a broad definition, that falsely labels harmless disabled people with an unfair label. History has shown that, by far, the WORST serial killers had no mental illness whatsoever. While I concede that schizophrenics, and people who are bi-polar, can be violent, my experience working as a therapy aide, at Harlem Valley, showed that some therapy aides, who most certainly had no mental illness, were far more violent to the patients, than the patients were to them. These "therapy aides", would beat the patients, until the patients would literally commit suicide. I found a few patients hanging from the rafters during my employment there. Ironically, I had no problem with the patients.

I also worked at the VA, and PTSD was fairly commonplace. There were some vets from Vietnam, who were totally shot-never had a problem with them. Anyway, enough rambling. As we know, I am FAR from PC. However, I don't play the blame game, either, because those who aren't PC don't do that.


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Like "assault rifles" are often misunderstood by the general public AA semiauto rifles such as the AR15, most people associate "mentally ill" as some sort of abnormality in their mental state that "normal" people can't understand.

I think a better term should really be mentally sick, and not ill.

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