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King Cuomo up to no good again

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Below I copy and pasted an article that was send to me from the NRA. The important area of NEW CONCERn is located in paragraph 2 and 3 ..... unbelievable!!!!.:



Gov. Cuomo and Anti-Gun Legislators Admit SAFE ACT Mistakes - But Continue Assault On Lawful Gun Owners 


NRA Files Legal Challenge in Court


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) and state legislative leaders have now publicly admitted mistakes in their rush to pass what is arguably the worst gun control law in the country – the SAFE ACT. After intense public pressure, the state’s chief executive and lawmakers discussed including amendments to the SAFE Act this week during the state budget negotiations. Specifically, much of the focus was on the seven-round magazine limit. However, the prospects for making the law more lenient disappeared when a rough budget agreement was reached this week. Many of the provisions of the SAFE Act are set to take effect April 15.

Even after acknowledging the flaws in this overreaching gun control law, Cuomo appears determined to continue his assault on law-abiding gun owners. Just this week, a toll-free “tip line” was launched that enables any person with a phone the ability to initiate an investigation on any unwitting gun owner. This state program was outlined in a letter sent out on March 19 by the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS). Upon receiving a tip from “an anonymous tipster," the State Police will route the information to the appropriate police agency in order to initiate an investigation. The tipster, who can remain completely anonymous, is entitled to a taxpayer-funded reward of $500 when an arrest is made in connection with their tip. 

Placing a bounty on gun owners for simply exercising their constitutional rights is an extreme abuse of power - and a reckless and wasteful misuse of taxpayer monies.  Cuomo would do better to serve the people of New York by using those “bounty” funds to actually catch, prosecute and punish violent criminals. 

Cuomo has turned a deaf ear to the thousands of New Yorkers who have protested the SAFE ACT.  Dozens of county legislatures have now passed resolutions condemning the Draconian gun law.  In fact, 52 counties (of New York’s 62 counties) have either passed or have pending, a resolution opposing the SAFE ACT. 

This week also saw the NRA and its state association, The New York State Rifle and Pistol Association (NYSRPA), file a complaint in the United States District Court for the Western District of New York challenging the SAFE ActThe NRA will continue to stand by its members in New York and push for repeal of this unconstitutional law, and will continue to actively support litigation that challenges the SAFE Act. 

Please continue to follow NRA-ILA Legislative Alerts for updates.


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