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Speaking of ethics....


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A recent forum discussion on ethics reminded me of a video series that was done quite some time ago by Columbia University for use as teaching ads for highschool and adult students.  The programs are staged to people in very high positions at the time. Lawyers, military, judicial, etc etc people.  They are given hypothetical situations by a moderator but the "facts" are related throughout the discussion. 

There are two series and the discussions are extremely thought provoking and are still applicable in todays society.  I highly recommend checking out both series.  There are 16 programs in all.  If you click on the "VoD" button to the right of the screen, it will bring up a popup and play the program. 


There is also a "Go to this unit" link at the end of each program description which will give further details of the hypothetical and also the video itself.

No registration or signup is required.

These can, and probably should be used in classrooms today.


Ethics In America:


Ethics In America II:



If you want to watch some excellent, thought provoking hypotheticals I highly recommend checking these two series out. Maybe even view as a family and pause periodically for discussions among the people watching.  



Edited by SteveC
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