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This could happen to any of us.You can help!

Brian's Storyby Free Brian Aitken on Wednesday, October 13, 2010 at 7:30pm width=393http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs328.ash2/60787_159514700727079_159490174062865_519527_2336568_n.jpg[/img]On August 27, 2010 Brian was wrongfully sentenced to 7 years in prison…help us free him.

On  June 16, 2010 Governor Christie kicked Judge Morley off the bench from  Burlington County Superior Court—but not before Morley could throw an  innocent local businessman in jail for driving from one residence to  another with his lawfully purchased firearms!

At trial  Brian Aitken’s defense team showed the jury Brian’s three FBI  background checks to lawfully purchase firearms, a number of  witnesses—including a Mount Laurel police officer—testified that Brian  was moving between residences and all witnesses—including the Mount  Laurel police officer—testified that Brian’s firearms were unloaded  & locked in the trunk of his car exactly as New Jersey State Law  requires…Brian knew how to do this because he had called the New Jersey  State Police days earlier to ensure he was in compliance with the law…a  fact the Judge ruled inadmissible in the court room.63848_159497037395512_159490174062865_519423_6450277_a.jpgNow,  this 26 year old small business owner—with no prior criminal record—is  sitting in jail for 7 years simply because a Judge, since removed for  misconduct in a different case, refused to allow the jury to apply the  state law that allows abiding gun owners to transport their legally  owned firearms from one house to another.

The jury  returned from deliberation three times practically begging the Judge to  tell them the law that protects an individuals rights to transport  firearms—the Judge outright refused to tell them!

The  only reason police were searching his car was in response to a 911 call  his mother made when she was concerned about his welfare…not the  welfare of anybody else. Brian’s ex-wife had canceled visitation of his  infant son once again and his mother’s concerns were about Brian being  possibly suicidal….she pleaded to the Judge before his sentencing that  she had made the call to protect her son, not to have  him thrown in  state prison. Brian has no criminal record, no violent tendencies, and  owned the weapons lawfully purchased in Colorado as protection for his  home and family.

Please help us spread the word and  donate to Brians appeal. There’s PayPal account where you or anyone you  know that might be inclined can donate and help.

Click the piggybank Donate button on the Boxes tab or use this paypal link to help and donate: http://bit.ly/co7iKN

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