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We Now Have A Single Issue Administration

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And guess who it thinks is the biggest threat to America now.


"Washington-and the mainstream media- is wondering what they're going to do with what is now, essentially, a single-issue administration. With his announcement last week that he will not offer any campaign or political support to any elected official not backing the President's "common sense" gun control measures, Mr. Obama has made it clear that there's nothing more important to his administration in their final year in the White House.

If you're a North Korean leader, ISIS terrorist or even Vladimir Putin, those words are music to your ears. Now you won't even have to bother giving lip service to a United States president who's already shown himself "distanced" from what's happening in the rest of the world. That might not be comforting words to our allies, but they're already painfully aware that for the most part they've been working without a net where the U.S. is concerned anyway.

But if you're expecting to hear the sound of the gun industry heading for their hideaways and barring the doors, well, you'd better think again. That's because the industry, and most of the rest of the planet, realize that if you're an elected official in the largest part of the country and suddenly about-face on the Second Amendment, you're soon going to be looking for a mover to get your personal property out of the House and Senate office buildings.

Mr. Obama has, essentially, staked out a claim squarely in the middle of fatal terrain. Barring some amazing turnaround, despite polling data that might seem to contradict this position, not many average Americans are ready to abrogate their abilities to defend themselves simply because some group of pols says they have to "do something" about gun violence."


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