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New Member and Hare Hunt this weekend

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Hello All. New to this site today. This looks like a great place for info and tips for happenings around the State. I am amazed to see so many coyote posts. I did not know that so many chased them. No wonder they are so smart! Question. My son and I are going to head to adirondaks this weekend from WNY (Buffalo area) with our beagle to try to get a hare or two. We only have one day to hunt (Sunday) and I haven't been up that way in 15 years or more. Anyone care to share a starting point for us so that we do not spend to much time wandering around Sunday morning? I previously hunted Pixley Falls area, Booneville, Lowville, and Barnes Corners, but cover changes a lot in 15 years and I don't imagine my old haunts are what you would call good hare cover any longer. Any help appreciated. Due to the distance involved this is a once a year trip for us. Thanks, Dave aka Arrowsmith

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Arrow, I do not know the other areas you mentioned, but a good area is Speculator. You can hunt off the roads on rte 30, pretty much anyplace that has a swamp or thick pines will hold hare there. Let me know if you need more info..  There is a parking area just south of speculator, and if you cross rte 30 on other side of street , there are plent of hare to run there. If nothing going on, head north and anyplace that has a thicket on rte 30, will have rabbit sign ..

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