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Justice Finally Served

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In 1992, Capt. Wade Sanders was awarded the Silver Star for actions in Vietnam years earlier. In 2004, he introduced Democrat presidential nominee John Kerry at that year's convention and was a big supporter throughout the campaign. As we all know, a group of some 200 fellow Swift Boat veterans eventually helped sink Kerry's presidential campaign by blowing up the Vietnam "war hero" facade that the Massachusetts senator had meticulously and misleadingly put forth. Contrary to Kerry's boasting, he committed treason in Vietnam. Sanders was a lead attack dog for Kerry, and he worked to tarnish the Swifties' reputations, slandering them as "Nazi propagandists."

In a case of poetic justice, the Navy recently stripped Sanders of his honor. The Navy's tersely worded statement indicated that "subsequently determined facts and evidence surrounding both the incident for which the award was made and the processing of the award itself" led to the revocation of his Silver Star. Sanders, by the way, is also serving 37 months for possession of child pornography, and we doubt that helped his case. He claimed it was research for a book he was writing.

Kerry made quite the issue of his military record, using it as both a crutch and a stick throughout his campaign. How ironic that one of his lead witnesses was found to be so wanting in character. Kerry should hope the Navy doesn't come after him, too.

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