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NYSCC Action Alert: Heartwood Forest (Champion) Camps


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N.Y.S. Conservation Council

Action Alert

Save 224 Heartwood Forest Land (Champion) Camps

Save historical use of easement lands and sporting traditions

Good afternoon:

On September 30, 2011 four environmental groups, Protect the Adirondacks,

the Sierra Club, Adirondack Wild and Atlantic States Legal Foundation

directed a letter to N.Y.S. Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman and N.Y.S.

State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli asking them to halt the N.Y.S.

Conservation Departments plan to allow 224 Camps to remain on Heartwood

Forest Land (former Champion Lands) in St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties.

These requests have been made even though the land owner and the D.E.C.

have approved the plan and the A.P.A. has issued permits.

The camps in question have been used by sportsmen and women and their

families for well over 50 years with no discernable negative environmental

impact. The plan does not change the historical use of the area, nor the

plan for the public at large to use these lands; these camps provide a

lifeblood to small businesses in our local communities as families enjoy

nature, snowmobile, ATV, view nature and hunt, fish and Trap. The action by

these environronmental groups comes after many years of efforts by the

sporting community, the D.E.C. and our elected officials to develop a plan

to accomodate the historical use of these lands. It is recognized the

sporting community and their families have been good stewards of these lands

and contribute significantly to conservation efforts in N.Y.S.

All groups supporting and involved in the traditions of hunting, fishing,

trapping, enjoying the outdoors as families snowmobiling and A.T.V.ing must

step to the plate on this one. We must speak with one voice and draw a very

deep line in the sand!!

Please forward to everyone who has a stake in this and please weigh in!

Walt Paul

Howard Cushing

Access and Land Use Specialist President

To send a comment to key Elected Officials

1. Highlight the letter below starting with the date and ending before the

solid black line across the page. Then click edit then copy.

February 14, 2012

Dear Governor Cuomo, Elected Officials, Government Leaders and Interested


Please Support the N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation's plan to

allow two-hundred and twenty-four (224) camps on the Heartland Forest Lands

Fund Easement (former Champion Lands) to remain. Continue historical uses of

easement lands and the important traditions associated with them.

Briefing: Environmental groups are challenging the D.E.C.'s plan to save

two-hundred and twenty-four camps on the Heartwood Forest Lands Fund

Easement. The land owner supports the plan and the D.E.C.'s plan allows

historical uses of the lands to continue along with important Adirondack

traditions. The Adirondack Park agency has issued the necessary permits.

The camps in question have been used by sportsmen and women and their

families in many cases for well over 50 years with no discernable negative

environmental impact. The plan does not change the historical use of these

lands and supports small businesses in our local communities as families

enjoy nature, snowmobile, ATV, hike, snowshoe, cross country ski and hunt,

fish and trap. The traditional sporting community and their families have

been good stewards of these lands and pay their way!

Please support historical uses of our easement lands!

Sincerely yours,




2. Click the link below on the far left to open an email message. When the

email opens be sure all recipients are listed. Add your state elected

officials, town officials, county elected officials etc.

[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];griffo@nysena

te.gov;[email protected];[email protected];russel

[email protected];[email protected];[email protected].


3. In the subject box type: Save the Heartwood Forestland (Champion) Camps

4. Move your cursor to the text box and go to edit then paste to place the

comment in the email. Feel free to modify comments as you see fit .

5. Fill in your name and address, title, etc. at the bottom of the e-mail.

6. Hit send and your comment will be sent to Elected Officials.

7. To send a hard copy open the attachment type in name and address and



To send a comment to D.E.C. Commissioner Martens:

1. Click the link below.


2. In the subject line type: Save Heartwood Forestland Camps

3. Move curser to the comment box and hit paste

4. Add your name and address, etc.

5. Send comment.


To send a comment to Governor Andrew Cuomo:

1. Click the link below.

<http://www.governor.ny.gov/contact/GovernorContactForm.php >


2. Move to the form and complete

3. In the subject box type: Save Heartwood Forestland Camps.

4. Scroll down in the Topic Box and click other.

5. Move the cursor to the comment section and hit paste.

6. Hit send and your comment will go to Governor Cuomo.


To send a paper copy of the letter

1. Open attached word document

2. Add appropriate address and greeting

3. Print

4. Sign and add your address.

Links to:

Senate member addresses are: http://www.scribd.com/fullscreen/77139235

Assembly member addresses are: <http://assembly.state.ny.us/mem/ >


If you need assistance or have questions, please let me know.

Thank-you for weighing in on this very important issue.

Walt Paul

Access and Land Use Specialist

For more information and updates visit us at <http://www.nyscc.com/ >

www.nyscc.com. The New York State Conservation Council is the oldest

Conservation organization in N.Y.S. The mission of the Council is to

conserve, protect, restore and perpetuate forests, wildlife and scenic and

recreational areas.

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