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Syracuse.com - Birders and hunters: Just look up! The Canada geese and snow geese are passing through

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There's thousands of snow geese and Canada geese in the Central New York skies today.

10655886-large.jpgStephen Cannerelli/The Post-StandardThousands of snow geese swirl around the water at the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge in this 2009 photo.

Tom Novak, of Solvay, just emailed me:

"Dave, the Canada geese and snow geese are passing over the Syracuse area heavily tight now. Big flocks of both types in the air over the Solvay area, raveling thru swiftly in the high wind currents.

"They are out on the fields near Cato and Plainville, also. Is the season on snows still open?

"We have an overabundance of Canadian geese that are a nusiance all year long. We should have a short spring season to lower the numbers. They make a filthy mess every where they hang out the numbers of these things should be taken down."

Meanwhile, I was over at Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge today working on a story from Friday's paper. At one spot I saw about 10,000 snows. It was just as impressive as this 2009 photo shot by Staff photographer Stephen Cannerelli.

In answer to Novak's question, the season to hunt Canada geese is over, but it's still on for snow geese.

View the full article on The Syracuse Outdoors Blog

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