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New York Hillbilly

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New York Hillbilly last won the day on June 18

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About New York Hillbilly

  • Birthday 03/18/1959

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  1. Listening to everyone claim you can’t point out the in your face reality, because you have not examined someone in person is a joke. If that is to be the case, then we need to immediately abolish telemedicine. How is it you can diagnose and prescribe via telemedicine where you see a patient on a screen once, sometimes months apart, yet cannot for someone you see dozens of times everyday, day after day, for hours on television? I believe all presidents should have thorough mental health exams as a matter of routine medical care, and the results made known. We owe it to the citizens of this country. My question has been from the start; how can any legislation or executive order signed by this or any other president who is not competent be legal? Under these current circumstances, with this president, we need not ask what did he know and when did he know it. What we need to be asking is, what didn't he know and when didn't he know it.
  2. It's been closer to 8 years of hate mongering and brain washing of the self loathing malcontents, misfits, marxists, and mentally ill, by the Elite political class who are desperate to maintain their power, with the full support of a complicit media. @First-light As to why they did not run, in my opinion, aside from the obvious effects of shock, surprise, confusion, and fight, flight, and freeze, seeing Trump stand up and raise his fist to give comfort to his supporters that he was alive and still with them, still fighting for them after being shot, says it all. The type of people you see attending these pro America rallies appear to be cut of the same patriotic fiber as those who have been called upon so many times before to protect it, as evidenced by the immediate chants of USA, USA, when he stood. Even in the face of life threatening crisis, he will not abandon them, and they clearly will not abandon him!
  3. Remember all the Trump haters who brought us to this point! May you all rot in hell!
  4. Happy Independence Day everyone. I hope you all had a fun and safe day! : ) Happy Birthday America! I wish and pray you have many more to come!
  5. Happy Anniversary to you both! : )
  6. Happy to say I got a second silver spoon today. The swarm trap I put up on Monday has a very active swarm setting up residence in it this afternoon. I’m feel like I’m off to a good start for a new bee keeper.
  7. I just set a swarm trap tonight I made last week it’s about 16 feet up in one of my ladder stands. Fingers crossed! I have some trimming and leveling to do yet, but should be a good spot.
  8. Was painless thankfully! Here’s a pic of them getting settled into their new home.
  9. That was exciting! Caught my first swam on Saturday. : )
  10. Tasted like Archaeopteryx!! Lol
  11. If it’s ground, I make meatballs, taco meat, or meatloaf. If it’s not ground up, no matter what the cut of meat, I turn it into jerky. Never killed me and never a complaint.
  12. Weird! On my phone it shows the newest member was in 2022. What’s up with that? I just checked again and it says Mikelicc in Feb 2022.
  13. Sharp bike! Nice job with the rebuild. I don’t think you owe anyone any explanation here. Whether it’s shooting woodchucks or rebuilding vintage bikes, being a dad, and time spent with our kids is irreplaceable, and great to read about.
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