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Syracuse.com - CNY hunter gets 'second chance' turkey in southwestern Onondaga County

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"After giving thanks to the Creator, it was time to celebrate the bird, he said. He was 20 lbs, 9 inch beard and 1 inch spurs. " 11029655-large.jpgSubmitted photoJohn Schneider poses with a nice gobbler he shot May 6 in southwestern Onondaga County.He wrote: "This is my second chance turkey from this year. I set my hunting partner up to get the most likely shot at a bird and we got one to hop off the roost and come investigate the hot hen."My partner took two shots and missed both times. After taking a couple of minutes to investigate the situation, we noticed that he had shot up a sapling." Initially in that area there had been approximately 10 toms sounding off on the roost. I quickly made another call and we were rewarded with another gobble nearby. We relocated our set up a short distance from our original spot with my hunting partner in the prime shooting location." I made a couple of soft clucks and yelps and got an immediate response from the opposite direction. I waited a couple of minutes to call and was immediately cut off by the Tom. He was only about 20 yards from me. I dropped my Cody slate call and peg and raised my gun." Within a couple of seconds he appeared in my shooting lane and a fine bird was harvested. After giving thanks to the Creator, it was time to celebrate the bird. He was 20 lbs, 9 inch beard and 1 inch spurs.

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