Id love to post that video buddy! LOL here it is. Just remember, it took a month or so to get to the point you're seeing in the video.
At this point in the shed season (mid March and only a few weeks from spring green up) you're looking at just taking him for a walk, I wouldn't expect too much in results. If you start RIGHT NOW and work with him for 15 minutes a night every day you get home you MIGHT be able to go on a shed hunt where you might expect limited results first to second week in April. Lots too it, but its a start getting your dog out there learning to maneuver around logs and brush etc.
I hope this video helps you get started...
Im at the point now where im building my own websight and goign to use my youtube video into a "promo video" and going to make a longer video showinfg advanced and medium techniques to build your dog into a shed hunting machine. Its a lot of fun and want to show guys that shed hunting with their dog is a blast!