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luberhill last won the day on December 11 2024

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  • Hunting Location
    Central NY
  • Hunting Gun
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. I used to like listening at night to the ham operators on my scanner app Lately there seems to be like zero people on . Wonder if it’s dying out like the CBs
  2. https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2025/S3981 someone smarter than me pls put this into layman’s terms
  3. How much does it increase the sound ? I’ve heard that’s an issue ???
  4. How do put a muzzle break on it ?
  5. Wonder if a gas operated semi would be less recoil than a bolt , or should say noticeable ?
  6. It’s not so much feeling the recoil , it’s the damage and after effect of what the increase recoil is doing to the shoulder
  7. I usually hunt with a .243 for deer and have killed several . I have a chance to buy a .270 cheap . I do have a bad shoulder and that’s part of the reason I picked the .243 How much harder does the .270 kick ? And is it that much better for deer
  8. I’m going for a walk today she’s hunting
  9. No problem if you want it I can meet u near Syracuse , Auburn , Seneca Falls etc If you don’t want it I’m going to put it on Market Place and Craigslist . Thanks
  10. The box says it weighs 29 pounds its not heavy
  11. The box says 29 pounds on the label
  12. Brand new still in the box paid 300.00 Will sell 150.00 Syracuse Ny area
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