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Posts posted by SportsmanNH

  1. 1 hour ago, Steve D said:

    I believe this is just a "test the waters" bill step one. If this one  makes it through with little or no resistance, or is a close vote in the senate the barrage will begin. They have found out they can do pretty much what they want. If they are able to set precedence there isn't much the supreme court can do to stop them.

     Besides that they; will probably "be packing" the supreme court as they have been threatening right along. I believe Biden has had a committee/panel in place investigating the feasibility of such a action since day one.

     I am afraid the the worst is yet to come. We have already seen what they are capable of and the more they achieve the more they will go after.

     The gun laws have been written over a period  of time and have been laying on desks or flash drives just waiting to be jammed down our throats.

    The problem the Demorats have though is even if they pass these sham bills , they are unconstitutional infringing on the peoples civil rights . The Supreme Court decisions is what sets precedence when it comes to constitutional law. Not the sham congress bills they might pass . All  laws that violate the constitution are challenged at the Supreme Court. Thats what the Supreme Court is for . Checks and balances . They are the ultimate decision . I dont trust Roberts , but he is only one Judge . There are 5 other conservatives on the court.   As far as trying to pack the court to pass all their bullshit laws ,the last poll count I saw was that 78 percent of the people were against it. If they try to do that then 2022 will be the ultimate landslide that throws the Demorats out in both houses and a landslide for the Presidency in 2024. Even the moderate Democrats dont want to see that.

    Going back to passing these gun control laws , I dont think they can get past the Senate if the filibuster where the dems need 60 votes to pass the bill . Thats what happened to the gun control bills when Obama was president and had the majority on both houses. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Belo said:

    have you seen or read any reliable evidence of this happening? I had a medical prescription through the DOH. That's as on the record as you can get and I never had so much as an email. Legalizing it leaves no paper trail like the medical does.

    My question to you is " Are you lying to the FBI on the NICS form if you answer NO to question 21 section E when you have a " state " permit to smoke pot recreationally or medically ?  Yes you are lying to the FBI . Its specifically points that out in section E that its against Federal Law to do so.  

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  3. 1 hour ago, Belo said:

    I have seen zero evidence of this scare tactic. 

    What scare tactic ?  Here it is right on the 4473 form you have to fill out for a backround check. Question 21 section E . You are gonzo if you say yes to that question and WILL be denied firearm purchases indefinitely. Your name will go on the NICS watch list . Only way to get your rights restored afterwards is to got through the court system and  " maybe "  you can have your rights restored . 


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  4. 18 minutes ago, outdoorstom said:

    That was well thought out and nicely written. I’m so happy to be in Florida where common sense is prevailing. Imagine a world where you can go into a store without a mask and nobody says anything. Florida is one of the states that gets it. That’s not to say there aren’t people still living in fear. Last night I watched a guy by himself walk down my empty street with a mask on. Really???


    The strange ones I see up here is people driving in their cars with the windows up wearing masks . Why ?  Each to their own I guess . Wondering if they had a disinfecting mist blowing out of the heater vents.

    But the best one I saw was when I went shopping at a local Aldi store. The guy in front of me at the register looked like he just got off a spacecraft. Wearing high winter boots , thick snowmobile suit  tucked in his boots and duct taped at the seam. Neck gaitor on with a full cover helmet with windshield and wearing a full facemask with just the eyes cut out. Winter insulated thick gloves with velcro straps. And here I am standing behind him in the line wearing shorts , tee shirt and sneakers wearing my flimsy little blue home Depot mouth mask . This was on a hot day in August !  I did say something jokingly to him . I said " The virus might not get you but you are going to die of heat stroke ! "   He says back that " you just cant be too careful with this virus. "  If he turned and told me he had lung cancer I would understand. But he honestly said that he was just scared to death of the virus. To each their own I guess. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Northcountryman said:

    Besides humans, do Coyotes  have any other natural predators? Part of the problem Im suspecting is that too many of the Pups survive, or is that not so?

     The only predator i've heard of besides humans of adult coyotes is Wolves. I dont know it as a fact but my guess is a bear or bobcat might grab a pup for a snack given the chance.

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  6. 9 hours ago, bfahy13 said:

    It was listed originally in 2019 for like 299 and is down to just under 200 now. 

    Id be tempted to check with the town, but if they aren't aware, I don't think id want to alert them to anything. 

    Here is most everything you need to know . Your listing says its off market right now . Dont know why but it says that . It was listed in 2017 for $349,000 but never sold and there is nothing showing any new listing or price drop to under $200,000 .

    The land is 50 acres with a 200 sqft cabin and a shed that are listed as being on the land as an " Improvement "  but from what I see , they dont list any value . Here is your county tax card for that address . A couple from Florida own it . Looks like they purchased it in 1969 but it doesn't show the purchase price . Im sure it was dirt cheap then.  Click the buttons on the left side to view the info .


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  7. 8 minutes ago, Lawdwaz said:

    Things will be easier when they’re all electric.      :)


    Im sure it will be easier . All you will have to do is call Triple A on those freezing cold days to jump start your $10,000 dead battery. :angry:

  8. 20 minutes ago, Robhuntandfish said:

    was just gonna ask if he burped the baby?  lol  .  Check coolant level- it might now be low if there was still some air in the system.  

    Bingo !  I think Rob is right .  On my last truck , a 2005 Chevy Silverado , the temp would look fine. The heat would work fine as long as I was driving. But when coming to a stop light it would blow cold air. Fill the coolant up and back to normal. It never showed a leak at the water pump , but the dealership said that the water was evaporating out through the gasket and alot of times they showed no leakage working like that for a long time. My mechanic changed the water pump and never had another issue. It didn't take much for the coolant to be low for the heat not to work. If the coolant got low enough it wouldn't blow heat even when I was driving.  Had to put fluid in maybe twice a year. Once in the summer and once in the winter. Funny how the winter fill always had to materialize on the freakin coldest day of the year every time LOL

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  9. My wife and ! are going to be busy the next couple of days so I wanted to make something that will give us some leftovers . Pot Roast fit that description .

    5 1/2 lb pot roast with onions , celery , and red potatoes that are submerged in the broth


    Pot Roast.JPG

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  10. 21 minutes ago, Biz-R-OWorld said:


    I went half and half. I don’t hunt in a grey jacket lol. But Chef was wearing $12K worth of Sitka

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


    I see that ! LOL  I think Chef is trying to take over TurkeyFeathers  modeling career for hunting suits ! 

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  11. Those bright sunny days without a cloud in the sky are like that. Sometimes you dont catch much out on the ice with the barometer rising . But you guys had fun .

    I see you guys all dressed up for the occasion. Chef , Crappie and Biz in their hunting outfits and Jerkman is his cold weather golfing attire . LOL 

  12. I live in a spot where we are the 1st to lose power and the last ones to get it back . In 1994 we lost power for 14 days right around New Years from an ice storm . You could drive around and watch the transformers blow up on the poles . I'm a builder so I had a generator with extension cords running everywhere for lamps , fridge , gas range , and of course , the coffee pot . The gas range was our heat on 500 with the door open. It was freakin 0-3 degrees for days . I ended up on the 4th day pulling the wire out of the furnace switch and hooked a romex wire to the furnace and a plug on the other end and plugged into the generator. After that 14 day episode I had my electrician come over and change my electric panel to the kind with the generator breaker bult in . Now I just switch the breaker to the generator and everything works in my house. My generator is a DeWalt 11hp 6000 watt that powers everything in the house. I dont have to shut anything off . I have a gas range and gas dryer that are just plugged into a 110 outlet . Im also on town water , so I dont have a well pump.  I probably would need at least an 8000 watt generator to run all those 220 plugs if I had an electric dryer and electric range and a drilled well . My generator uses about 10 gal of gas when running 24/7

    I built 36 of the 55 houses in my neighborhood . The very next winter in January the same thing happened with another ice storm and temps -15 to 0 for days with the wind chill . We lost power for another 13 days this time . My house looked like the Christmas Castle all lit up amongst the darkness in my neighborhood. I sent out a notice to my neighbors BYOPB .    " Bring Your Own Pillows and Blankets " LOL  I had 26 people staying over . The inside of my house looked like the neighborhood barracks . The little kids had a blast thinking they were on camping trip. 


    E Plug.JPG

    E Panel.JPG

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