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Posts posted by cynthiafu

  1. no they are pets . too small to eat you would have to eat more then 20 to get half full . lol they only grow to the size of day old chicks . they use them in avairy to clean up dropped bird seed and stuff . i am keeping 4 or 5 the rest i have to find homes for . i didnt count on so many hatching ( didnt count my chicks before they hatched ) . the eggs are good eating i hear , my daughter would cry lol she has been sitting over top of the brooder with her hand in there lol they run right to it and hop on lol that wont stay like that for long .

  2. yes it is . we tryed last month but my husband turned off the heat and the eggs got to cold . i upgrade to a better incubator . the lady who shipped me the eggs shipped me more .( after i ordered 25 more lol) so i ended up with 55 eggs . there are ten in this bunch ( almost a perfect hatch ) i have a few more days then i have a batch of 35 to hatch and another 4 days after that then rest will hatch . they are cute as a button ... button quail . not big enough to eat . they only get as big as a day old chick . we are keeping them as pets ( hubby says not all 55) lol . so i have to find homes for some . anyone eat quail eggs ? know you know where the saying cute as a button comes from . oh we have 7 now :)

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