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  • Hunting Location
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    410 shotgun
  • Bow
    black widow PMA V62"
  • HuntingNY.com
    i hear about this forum on google

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  1. Okay - I'm supposed to go to a charity sporting clay shoot and can't find any 12 ga shotshells local. The going price online is about $150/case of 250. Some guys are asking $50 for 25 round box of #6 shot. LOL! Also looked at other ammo and keep drawing a blank. Most stuff seems sold out or way overpriced and the fight for gun rights is about to get into full swing. SO - is ammo availability gonna affect your season? I'm actually wondering about the 2022 season and if I even want to buy another point for that this year.
  2. venus


    I am looking forward to learn from all members . I have some good feedback over the years in some other places so this ain't my first rodeo lol.
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