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  1. this is great! congratulations
  2. its very tough specially for Newyork. i would pass him up but if i go all season and its like persay late november and he was easily 20 yards... i just might.. maybe i dont know i dont think so.
  3. man, those are beauties. thats great to see them moving during the day time. maybe you can catch one of these beasts during daytime
  4. three pictures are of the same buck. one is different
  5. just exiting my hunting grounds ar 10. i saw nothing this morning and i got in around 6 Am
  6. from looking at these two pictures for a great deal of time. i would guess at least 140. pushing mids 140s because his inside spread seems a great deal. and the length of his. his g2's. a very kingly buck :]
  7. this was my first buck ever taken in my life. and also my first bow kill ever. what a day to never ever forget
  8. here are a couple pictures taken on June 7th. he seems pretty interested :]
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