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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by BigTomsCalls

  1. Just the type of imature comment I would expect from you!!
  2. OH I see it's been such a long time!! Why didn't they teach it last years hunter ed classes then? You need meds!!
  3. From a relative with over 20 years teaching the archey class. If the state does indeed plan on having xbow tought in hunter ed than either my statements have merit or the state does not really consider the xbow to be archey equipment.
  4. LMFAO Your question were answered your just to closed minded to read them in my posts.
  5. Of cousre they are replacable and they know that but at what cost to the state!! You don't have to agree with what I have said and you don't have to believe what I said but you can believe one thing there are people out there that will go to any lenghts to keep the xbow out of that regular archery season!! To say that any intructor is on a power trip is wrong they are just a few of the many who believe that the xbow is not a bow. So for now I'm done with you. You know it all and you know what you can do with your crystal ball!!
  6. Just stating what I know!!! Lets take a look at this. There's a huge waiting list of people out there that want to spend countless hours and money to become " Volunteer" bow hunter instructors. I think not!!! In some places it's hard to fine a archery hunter course because there are not enough instructores Fact!!! If and when the state includes xbows in the archery only season it will be because they will issue some form of bogus permit just like they did last year by just signing on to the DEC web site saying you read the rules and printing it out. If you think that the volunteer instructors in this state don't carry any weight you got your head stuck in the sand. In fact if the state bypasses the bow hunter instructors by doing that they stand a chance of losing a good majority of them!! FACT!!!
  7. Your right "Volunteers" not just volunteers but "Certified Volunteers"!! When the State was told that they wouldn't teach the croosbow the state told them they would take away the certifacation and they said take them!!! These volunteers are one of the most die hard bow hunters in the state thats why they teach the classes. They don't believe that the xbow is archery so they won't teach it. The state had no other choice but to give out that bogus xbow certifacate.
  8. The reason the xbow is not tought in the archery class is most of the archery instructer said they would not teach the class if the state made them teach anything about the xbow.
  9. Try this stuff out. I've been using it for over 35 years. I first read about it in Fur Fish & Game years ago. I pick my own in the summer time so I really can't vouch for this product, but I'll tell you what the fresh picked plant is without a dought the best poison ivy remedy!! http://www.altnature.com/jewelweed.htm
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