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About bigbuckhunter

  • Birthday 08/29/1984

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Long Island

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Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Greene County,Catskills, N.Y
  • Hunting Gun
    12 Ga. Mossberg 500 Pump Action
  • Bow
    2011 Parker Inferno

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  1. Hello i know this is a lot to ask but i am starting to get into hunting on long island and i am looking for some private land to hunt on. i will absolutely help with any job you would need me to do for free, but i am only 18 so i guess i am limited in that way but will do anything to get some private land to hunt on. let me know if you know of anything it would be a great help
  2. if you go to a small pond and just walk around and watch the waterline you will be sure to find them a pellet gun or even a pump bb gun would do the trick
  3. beautiful buck, bear pictures are always cool...we had a bear tare down a few of our cameras on our property and we have pictures of him swatting them and carrying them away in their mouths
  4. hahahahaha maybe according to ontario it is! but to everyone on long island thats upstate
  5. I usually only hunt in upstate new york and am new to hunting li. this would be my first season and i wanted to know besides the seasonal acces permit what must i do in order to get out into the woods?
  6. it took me about 9 or 10 months for me to get my letter and they ages my bear at 8 an 1/2
  7. yeah not very successful, it snowed hard and we think the deer move up into the pines on the top of pur mountain
  8. the best surprise ever, i come home and my dad looks at me and says "pack your bags were going hunting tomorrow" i just got so happy and in the best mood right now...ive got a big boy rooming around my stand around 7 30 every day...hopefully ill get my first buck to complete the trio of bear, buck, and a doe (2 doe acctually)
  9. ohhh i didnt know what he was talking about
  10. thanks everyone. we border state land so she wouldnt have made it through gun season anyway
  11. did great shot a smmall doe at 20-25 yards quatering to, FTW
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