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Everything posted by doncampbell

  1. yep its funny now as it was as i thought when the vet said this i sooooo wanted to say uhhhh we are talking about a pet right doc ? lol
  2. i am excited out the new hunting season that is almost upon us .... how ever when we went back in the summer to check on stands and looking for new sign we came across a few critters that have moved in lol ... black bear,, not ever hunting them i am a little uneasy walking into my stand at Odark thirty this year knowing there are 7 in the area we hunt , gotta love the lil ole lady who owns the land she is better than a trail cam lolololol she calls us and says welll boys you got more to shoot than deer this year she claimed she almost droped her dentures when taking a bag out the the garbage cans she got to the end of the porch and saw a group of bear its gonna be interesting to say the least
  3. I have had this traditional hunting lunch packed for 30 years in a row .... some potted meat sandwiches some kind of peanut butter bar, and trail mix and granola bars and a couple bottles of water .. i keep a clean gallon jug in the stand incase i gotta goooooooooooooooo .. that comes out on exit of the day and new clean one brought back in the next morning .. i hunt from dark to dark
  4. we have used peroxide and Dawn dish liquid mix in a bottle about the size of a hair shampoo bottle half peroxide a couple table spoons or so of the Dawn and fill rest with water . shake and use on the animal , the peroxide will bring the skunk spray . (ITS A OIL ) to the serface of the hair the Dawn will cut the oil greasey skunk spray , we bring this camping with us i can not tell you how many times on the camping trips our dog has got a pole cat (skunk) sprayed, THIS was advised from OUR VET. USE A FEMALE feminane doushe for around the dogs face as that will not harm its eyes .........
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