IMO hunting shows are getting close to NASCAR. Does television coverage of people sitting in traffic during morning rush hour sell cars? No, but guys racing around a circle at 200mph does. Hunting shows are just a big commercial for the most part now and like the NASCAR mantra that guys racing in circles at 200 mph will sell cars on Monday to everyday drivers (which is proven), hunting shows try to pack in extreme action, shots, etc. It's entertaining but certainly not a real view of hunting in general. Look at "reality" TV and what it's become, I can't get over the number of hunting shows now that are using this model and making hunting competitions of some sort. It's laughable, I don't think anyone got into bowhunting because they thought they could outscore their buddy (in some drummed up category) so they better run out and buy a license.
For the record I like NASCAR but I don't make my automotive purchasing decision based on anything related to it. Hunting shows are entertaining and hopefully people realize there are hundreds (if not thousands) of hunts filmed for every one (usually successful) shot that gets aired. And yes, they have tracking dog handlers on speed dial. I can't believe some of the unethical shots they take and air sometimes, but it does probably show that modern equipment does give a slightly larger margin for error in many cases... Good or bad.
Doc you've made many great points (along with others) about long distance shots but think about how and where (a computer forum) you're preaching and then maybe you'll understand why you don't get an overwhelmingly similar response to yours. That's not intended as a slam against anyone, but my guess is that forums appeal to a younger (less experienced) audience for one, secondly a more tech type crowd (more adaptable to new technology), and so on. Always exceptions but... Generally if someone agrees with you and everything you say on a forum they aren't going to take the time to post much. But if they disagree, sit back and get ready!
There's no hard number to put on an ethical bow shot just like you don't go to the gun shop and buy a 120 yard shotgun instead of a 100 yard shotgun, although the slugs used could easily give you that type of margin in your effective range. There's certainly hard data to show effective ranges for gun/bullet combinations, bow/arrow combinations etc. but with guns the marksmanship of the shooter plays a much larger role in the effective range of a gun shot whereas with a bow, due to the conditions already discussed throughout this topic, marksmanship is less of a factor in the hunting woods when determining an ethical shot range. Plain and simple, but I do agree with 25-30 yards being toward the upper range for an ethical shot at an eastern whitetail due to arrow velocity and the amount of time that passes from release to impact.
Funny thing is most people who have never shot a long bow or recurve probably think the cams are all about speed. I thought we started hunting with compounds to allow a longer hold on a deer to take a draw when the deer is looking away or behind cover, then have the ability to hold for a period of time to walk into range, take aim and stop the deer, etc. To me the whole thrill of bowhunting isn't how far away I can shoot an animal, but how close I can be to the animal when I kill it.
One other constructive criticism aimed mainly at Doc and WNYBuckHunter with all due respect: Seeing that you guys are listed as monitors, I can only speak from my own very limited experience on here, but when I see you guys go off on each other and start calling each other names or make accusations of smoking things it's a real turn off to me who doesn't know if this is an attempt at humor or a real rift. Here's a good post that I read and decided to register and reply to because it is a great discussion and there were some responses (not yours in particular) that just about made my blood boil. I have only looked on this forum every now and then and am admittedly not a big forum guy. But there's some great information here and the forums are very useful for exchanging ideas and having discussion. But when you as moderators start singling each other out and debating on such levels it really is a turn off to me. And it just makes it harder to weed through the content listed under the topic. My apologies if I'm misreading this, but if nothing else please try to keep on topic...