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About Burden24

  • Birthday 03/29/1986

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Finger Lakes Region

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  • Hunting Location
  • Hunting Gun
    Remington 1100 cantilever barrel synthetic with EOTech 512 sight
  • Bow
    Martin Onza
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. I haven't posted all year, but couldn't help myself. This is entertaining and mind boggling reading this on stand right now. I can't put my phone down either haha
  2. 6:24 Boom!! Weekend warriors are letting them fly. Good lord. I hate gun season, no respect or morals from some folks.
  3. You think that maybe just once they could forecast the wind correctly!
  4. Can't believe how dead it is out here this morning.
  5. It's sighting in day for the orange army. The Saturday before gun season always sounds like opening day. Everyone dusts the remington sluggers and takes a couple shots. Haha
  6. Yeah I know, that city ruins the good parts of the state. At least I can say I voted to try and make a difference. That way it's ok for me to still complain about him
  7. I know where I'm headed after my morning sit
  8. Left the house with a 5 mph southwest wind. Now it's about 20 mph West. This season is crazyyy weather wise. All strapped in so I'll just ride it out.
  9. I see they have upped the wind speed for tonight and tomorrow with gust up to 25mph in 8h. Man weekend weather has been awful this year.
  10. My day started by finding out dead down wind hair soap is not a fan of your eyes haha. Nice morning though, enjoying the wind being light for once.
  11. Research from multiple studies have proved over and over that the moon phase, and weather have nothing to do with the timing of the rut. There is evidence showing the smallest change from these factors but breeding always took place around the same time period each year. It's simply when does are ready to breed. Weather warm or cold may change it by the slightest variation but not much. It doesn't matter if it's 70 or 20 degrees if the does are ready to breed they're going to be rutting. Yes there may be a doe that comes into heat earlier then others and gets them going more, but most fall in the same time period year after year. In fact there was just a great write up in the most recent outdoor life magazine by Dr. Grant woods further proving this point. It was a good read.
  12. Slick Trick mag 100s. Fly better than any other fixed blade I've shot. Slug holes
  13. 40 and wet but not raining. 10mph nw wind. I had forgotten how loud duck hunting was on a Sunday morning.
  14. Martin Onza 3 Martin quiver Rip cord drop away Axcel Armortech HD sight B Stinger 10 inch pro hunter Mean v string stop Gold tip xt hunter 7595 arrows Slick trick magnums
  15. Heard the Elite32 shoots like a dream. Trying to decide between elite and bowtech for my next one. What do you like about the elite so much?
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