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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. That would be your intellectual level of discourse.
  2. Oh brother...... This is not a Democracy, it's a representative Republic. There's a difference! I have often posted the "alternative" government is the one we suffer under now that refuses to follow the Constitution and the Rule of Law. That's the government we need to oust. Support the one that the Constitution created. The system of government the US created IS the best in the world. However, the politicians of today are not working within that system, choosing to corrupt it to benefit their elected careers and their party's agenda to gain votes, using OUR money. That's what I tell non Americans, including those who reside within our borders. You sir, seem to let your hatred of other opposing opinions foul your reading comprehension. It's not that I don't like you. It's that you frustrate me to no end.
  3. No, they spell it wrong, again. Probably because they are just using the same info from the other article, having never spoken to DuMond.
  4. Buzz, I do not hate government per se, as the Constitution and Bill of Rights are tools of it. However, I despise this current lawless tyranny we call government today. Innocent until proven guilty has always been something I support. However, ignoring allegations and failure to investigate such, is a crime.
  5. Remove some regulations and watch good things happen http://www.forbes.com/sites/instituteforjustice/2014/09/22/texans-created-over-a-thousand-local-businesses-after-texas-eased-restrictions-on-selling-food-made-at-home/?utm_content=buffer5cf31&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  6. Nope. Just over regulation that costs more than it helps, and regulation designed to control political opposition or push a political agenda. In today's political regulatory climate, this is the future we are moving towards:
  7. Maybe I'd give the article about the Delaware County Deputy Sheriff some credibility if they actually spelled his name correctly: Undersheriff Craig S. DuMond Perhaps they were quoting someone else, or trying to avoid being sued for slander. I know DuMond and have worked with him. I do not believe anything that article claims he said. Here's an article from Canada about the place. Believe what you like. http://canadafreepress.com/2007/cover061107h.htm
  8. I meant withholding those taxes by leaving! It's not running away. It's giving up on anyone in the state having any sense. It's a lost cause. You guys just won't admit it. You can't help people who refuse to help themselves.
  9. Business isn't asking for your worship, the government is.
  10. And that proper perspective should bear in mind the type of violence we are seeing these days on our own shores. I recognize the difference between government wanting to serve themselves, as opposed to wanting to protect US citizens, which is it's one and only primary responsibility.
  11. America is no longer a free country http://reason.com/archives/2015/05/13/disobey-all-but-the-most-useful-regulati
  12. I think it's wiser to support the one that creates jobs and employs people, rather than the one that kills jobs while handing out unemployment and welfare checks.
  13. Nope, because IMO they wouldn't have anything to hide from law enforcement in the first place. In the 2nd place, there are plenty of legal reasons for any agency to want to enter the property that cannot be refused, especially when the agency gets a court order, like welfare and food stamp fraud, child protective services and domestic violence complaints, which have been reported at this camp. For some strange reason, local LEO's have been ordered by the Feds to stand down on anything involving this place. But I'm sure they don't pose any kind of a threat to anyone at all.
  14. Time will tell if they are all just peaceful people who pose no threat. Of course, we could determine if they might be a threat right now, if anyone, including law enforcement, were even allowed past the front gates. Nothing to see here folks. Move along.
  15. You guys can pat yourself's on the back until your dead. But the fact remains, you live under an oppressive government regime that dictates almost every facet of your life, and you tolerate it, if not love it. NY has a love of the "ban" wagon. Anything the state dictates is bad is banned. It hates your firearms, all conservative opinions, fracking, private business, corporations, etc. But it loves regulations, bans and just about any Leftist insanity right up to, and including deviant lifestyles and raising taxes to pay for the massive expenses it creates for you. I applaud anyone who actively resists such tyranny. Unfortunately doing so within the borders of NY is stupid. It leaves you vulnerable to subversive attacks and oppression by the regime you criticize in hopes of reforming. There is a reason a lot of folks are escaping NY. They do not agree with it's politics and have lost any hope of reforming it, because the majority of it's "idiot electorate" resists reform and are actively pushing it further and further left. The future of NY was the topic of this thread. It was not meant to be a debate on fracking. The future for the state is bleak. The best course of action for any thinking individual is to make a statement to NY that you will not comply, will not subsidize tyranny and oppression, economic or otherwise, with payroll and property taxes, and will not be a willing subject under any form of government that is seriously corrupt, destroys freedom and creates problems, rather than solves them. Since few of you seem to think your taxes are too high, or are being wasted, you'll be happy to know, as the affluent leave the state in droves, because many NY residents have swallowed the divisive class warfare propaganda that the rich are evil and need to be fleeced, your taxes will skyrocket. Someone has to pay the debt when the people who pay the largest portion of the bill are no longer around to do so. You guys can post whatever vile crap you like about me, but I'm not the problem, nor the one who needs to worry. NY has no control over me. All I can do is try to point out some of the things NY citizens don't seem to grasp, in the hopes of waking a few up. It's a thankless job, but a job somebody should be doing. A few in the state do, but they are talking to the deaf as well. I have no sympathy for anyone who's misery is self inflicted, but not all NY residents fall into that category. If you think I don't care about them, you're wrong. I wouldn't be doing what I do if I didn't. I just don't care about those of you that enhance the problem. Laugh it up now. Your experiencing your last few years of laughter, no matter how much you ignore the signs.
  16. Answer the question junkie. What does the government regulate well? Give me some examples. Try guns for starters. How about healthcare? Maybe you like the EPA and it's complete over reach? Posting your insults only proves you can't intelligently debate the topic, as usual.
  17. All I can say is you guys support the system we have now and it sucks! When you realize it, maybe you'll come to your senses. I'm sure it will be way too late at that point though. American's get the government they deserve, and in my 60 years of experience observing government and politics, I can say without hesitation, NY State deserves the type of government it has, which seems to make you guys real happy. It won't get any better, because you guys accept it and it knows you blindly support it's plans.
  18. Yes I did. Do you really think the government is good at regulating anything?
  19. FYI, when you are moving at highway speed or more, turning off the motor may disable the power steering, but the steering still functions adequately and is not hard to use. Because the car is moving it still works easy enough that even a petite girl could steer the car. It's only when the car is not moving the steering is very hard to use when the engine is off. If you put the car in neutral when the motor is stuck at full throttle, the engine will rev up to the point you may blow the motor. In the emergency case you are describing, turn the key one click to shut off the motor. This will not lock the steering wheel, but will shut off the motor.
  20. Who really cares about any of this anyway? NY has taken it off the table. A ban helps nobody. It's like banning AR's in NY, does it make you feel better? A fracking ban IMHO is also a feel good law that helps nobody. Your opinion may be different. But it doesn't matter, because fracking has been banned! So folks, what's plan B for the upstate NY economy? Or doesn't anybody give a crap about anyone else in the state?
  21. Bull? In case you haven't noticed the price of gas is way down. You expect to get paid the same amount when the price has dropped? That's no low balling, that's economics. Still the money being paid today is still better than nothing. You can assume hunting clubs even get any money for their leases, but it's the land owner who gets the money, and most still live in PA when they lease their land to a hunting club. If the club owns the land, I'd bet money, because it goes to the club, not individual members, they might spend it on a new club house, or even buy more land to hunt. but I'm sure you know better, because you sure sound positive you're right.
  22. Anger? My only frustration is seeing the local towns in upstate NY dying a slow death because Cuomo doesn't have a plan B. My land in NY isn't even in an area fracking would ever be done.
  23. If it ever happens again, turn off the ignition, but not so far it locks the steering wheel, and put the trans into Neutral. Then steer it off the road and stop. If it continues to do it when you re-start it, call for a tow truck. This is the only safe way to handle it.
  24. Every landowner in a gas area of PA was paid $2000 to $3000 an acre for permission to drill beneath their land. I would assume they spend that money locally. Large farm owners have been paid small fortunes, and have bought new equipment, new cars, built new farm buildings, done home repairs and have even hired new hands to work their land as well. People who have well heads on their land get a monthly royalty check for the gas extracted from the well, to the tune of many thousands a month, and they have not moved out of the area, but many have bought new homes and other luxury items they would not have otherwise bought to stimulate their local economy. These people also shop and patronize all sorts of local businesses, as do the transient workers who live in the area for years while they are working on the wells. All of this boosts the local economy. NY is not going to see any of this economic boost in the future.
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