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About pryz366

  • Birthday 03/12/1983

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    hunting and fishing

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  • Hunting Location
    capital region
  • Hunting Gun
  • Bow
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Yea It was more than a click lol
  2. I feel your pain. I am usually all hunted out by muzzleloader season but not this year..so i went out Fri and sat and got some snow on gun.. so Sunday morning a nice 6 comes in at 30 yards and click just primer so luckily he stays I change primer and again click and he walks away.. unload gun and powder definitely got wet.. lesson learned but man kick myself never shot one with muzzleloader
  3. Whats your opinion on deer drives? I'm talking an army of people doing a drive. I hate it I feel there is no sport or skill involved in it.
  4. I always cut them off and hang them around where I sit. Have had a ton of bucks walk up to them.
  5. Anyone read the article in yesterday's times union about the deer and forests.
  6. Me and my father when we make burger we make a small batch with maple bacon ground in as a substitute for fat. Great on the grill
  7. Looking to help out and learn taxidermy . I live near amsterdam ny let me know if anyone is willing to teach. Thanks
  8. I know ur pain had to miss opening week of bow was on my honeymoon but as a treat my wife arranged a trip in Virginia for blue catfish a fair trade off lol
  9. I have 3 climbers each are different but I do the same thing pick out a few trees. I like climbers cause I may see deer a lil far off and then I can move to that area the next day. As far as my fav climber I like sitting facing the tree idk y just my preference also I hae one that does not have a front to it I don't like that one lol
  10. Btw I reflect on every deer I take everyone is special to me I may not think about it when I shoot but after I get to the deer to gut it I reflect on the fun that deer gave me just being in the woods and I am thankful for any deer I take.
  11. Just one more for me but what is the difference what I tag I'm still only gonna tag one buck there is still same amount of bucks in the woods and that 2.5 that I didn't tag makes it to 3.5.
  12. Ur right we grew up with it but the laws keep happening and if they gave me a good reason I am fine with it but when I read from them social issue well that's what makes me upset. Like I stated before when buying ur license specify if u opt for ar's or not and if u opt for them u have to follow the rule if not u can shoot a spike. Let's see how many opt to pass that spike. That's putting money where there mouth is. Just my opinion on how to please everyone
  13. Might as we'll be the way people are arguing about this. I am pro choice it makes me made when we just keep getting more and more rules or laws to follow. So a guy wants to shoot the first buck he sees good for him. Also all the antler restriction fans what about the new guy who just started hunting this year and sees a spike stroll by and oooooo sucks for u can't take that. Not fair to him. More laws and regs make me something something. O wait they make me go mad cause pretty soon ur gonna have to ask the deer to hold still while u measure his antler size, waist, chest and legs and calculate if it's a shooter. Btw I am gonna invent a device to do all that calculating for u so don't try and rip off my invention
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