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    835 Ulti Mag

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  1. Doc, Just for my clarity, you're saying that if there wasn't any emphysema, diabetes or cirrhosis of the liver,.... health insurance costs would be the same because of the "healthy people " ????? O.K. ?????. Thanks for the insight. Oh,... and by the way, these diseases, which predominantly are caused by smoking, obesity and alcohol abuse, are LONG TERM illnesses, not the quick early death you suggest. But thanks for your good effort.
  2. I'm sure a bunch will disagree, but too bad. This is the truth, like it or not. Tobacco related health issues, alcohol abuse related health problems and obesity health related problems are costing the american people untold hundreds of billions of dollars each year. How ? By much higher insurance costs for everyone. Why in the wide, wide, world of sports should I have to pay for someone to abuse, at will, their bodies ? I say if you want to do that to your body, you foot the bill. No hospital should treat these individuals unless they reach deep in their pockets. They have the money for the booze, smokes and chips. As a side note, It's legal to buy and smoke tobacco. This, we and anyone with a brain knows, kills. It also generates billions in tax revenue. It's illegal to buy raw milk, because there is such concern for our health. Duhhhhh ???????? Oh, and no tax revenue here.
  3. Geeze !!! You guys are starting to sound like a bunch of wash women. Relax. You're psyching yourselves out. The turkeys WILL be somewhere. Unless they fly south for the spring......
  4. Easy WNY Buckhunter. I thought we were just having some fun. Geeeese !!! Didn't mean to ruffle so many feathers. Oh and the pine tree that snapped never hit the ground ,it was caught in the adjacent oak. We saw it happen, and it was some tremor. Right up the legs. Geno C, I agree with you. G man, If you can swing a 50' cherry tree, I'd rather not meet you. LOL. Just kidding here. And Paula, I think unicorns are the only magical animals and thank you for letting me believe that. By the way , I did shoot one last fall.... He was a one pointer.
  5. Of course no pics from magazines are ever staged. I know the winds you speak of. Human ears don't even remotely compare to a deer's. We lose every time. Not that i have to remind anyone, but deer are among the toughest animals out there, powerful beyond imagination, and very durable. I've seen deer bounce off of cars- 2 tons worth !!!!!, moving rather quickly and prance right into the woods, No broken necks or legs. Insides probably were mashed and most likely died later. But nonetheless, pranced right away.This tree would have to have been very big with enough momentum to cause a CLEANLY broken neck thereby causing death. The picture suggests it died instantly. A tree this big, even in the fiercest windstorms, falls much slower than most think. Ever seen a giant tree felled. Dang thing takes forever to hit the ground. Even without foliage. A big tree breaking rumbles the ground with no exceptions. I had a big pine break off in the yard one storm and we felt the tremors in the house 100 feet away. I'm not saying it's impossible, just very, very, very improbable. Wouldn't you like to see the picture including the WHOLE "tree" ? Hmmmmm. I wonder why that doesn't exist. It would be at least the second most logical picture to take. Maybe the photographer can be reached to see if he has other photos. He must if it's legit. Also very Interesting that the very tip of this tree or branch is what did him in. The tree is quite rotten. More age than the dead deer carcass for sure. That wood is light and hollow. C'mon guys,look at it. Wouldn't a tree big enough to do this have broken the rack ? Even a little bit ? Apparently not. I guess muscle and bone is weaker than antler alone . NOPE. I take back what I said earlier. This is fake.
  6. Baloney !!!! I'll be getting these !!! Two please.
  7. They're right on time !!! With AM Coffee nonetheless.
  8. Sorry guys, that photo is sooooo staged. Look at the tree limb. It's got at least a couple of seasons rot on it. If this thing were real, the mere sudden sound of the crack of what supposedly must have been a VERY large and HEAVY tree, to pin that buck and or break his neck, would have sent the VERY CLOSE buck rocketing in an opposite direction. Ever see a buck jump the shot because of the sound of the bow strings ?????? I think an arrow is quicker and is much quieter than a rotten tree. It's an interesting picture but not buying it. Let me see the rest of the tree, you know , THE WHOLE PICTURE !!!!
  9. You hit the nail right on the proverbial head ! The yearly average temperature is as close to a constant as it gets. Having said that, After enjoying a unusually warm winter, mother nature has to offset that temp to average it out. That means a wet cold spring or a wet cold summer. One or the other. It rarely fails to average. Although the state has the start of the hunting season to coincide with the end of breeding season, it doesn't mean the hens aren't around and therefore no competition. In fact early season almost always produces henned up toms. Its not until later when the hens are incubating on the nest that the Toms become easy picking. Unfortunately that varies widely from location to location even within the state. But isn't this why we love this so much ?
  10. Stubbz, You're fortunate to have your lady wanting to go with you. That's real nice. I took my misses for the first time over 20 yrs ago. I had two Toms working their way in.... quickly, only to last minute, bolt! I quickly looked around to see what was wrong and saw my wife, who was just behind me, practically break dancing because she thought she saw a spider crawl on her camo! She was done with hunting for good !!!! She does love to go fishing with me though. She's really into it and very good too. No spiders !!!
  11. Stubbz, No disrespect meant. I'm just extra conservative when it comes to these things. Figure safer than sorry. The thought of carrying around a 20Ga. instead of a 12Ga. all day actually appeals to me. You're absolutely right in that you have to know your limitations along with the firearm's. Not sure how old you are stubbz, but I started hunting turkeys here in NY before most hunters even knew they were in our woods, and truthfully before they really were in our woods. Had the whole state practically to myself. Although there wasn't nearly the population we have now, those were the golden years!!! A 12 Ga. was and still is the standard for the old longbeard. Having said that, I know the equipment regarding chokes, loads and even specialty guns has really gotten so much better over the past few decades. I Might even test my 14,16 and 20's down at the range with different loads and distances. Thanks for the input. All the best this season !!!
  12. Virgil, One correction to my post previously. I meant to say I've taken many, many more birds WITHOUT using a decoy. If you don't have the best set of circumstances, like a roosted bird, a patterned bird or something like this, It can really hinder your mobility not only physically but mentally as well. True, they can be set up and taken down quickly, but after all the internal debate on where, when, and is it visible at the moment of truth, mentally you can "settle" and say, " I'll sit and wait" , when you should be moving and looking. Plus, It's a real rush when you know the bird is looking for YOU, not at the collapsible foam fake. Knock em' dead !!!
  13. stubbz, Not trying in any way to stomp on your plans, but I think you're undersized with the 20 Ga. 870. I'm not saying you cant kill them with that. But you'll need to be REAL close, let alone the bow, and you can count on a ton of flopping and possibly running and flying away. These are tough,tough birds. Why put the bird and your fiance through that? Use a 12 Ga. Even with this, I'm shocked at how many guys " REACH " out with their shot - #4's and #6's - and fail to drop em' clean. I won't even take a shot outside 25 Yds. and I use a 835 ulti mag with winchester 3 1/2" magnums. Never crippled or extended a birds suffering. Done and Done !!! Enjoy the decoys brother !!!!
  14. It's funny. Every year I get amped up as well for opening day. But not to fish it. I just can't stand the crowds. I usually wait two weeks or so to let the crowds get it out of their systems. Having said that, If I can get to some isolated water that others won't want to hike to, I'll give it a shot. Yes though, It does get me going and looking forward to a new season with everything outdoors. Enjoy it !
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