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virgil last won the day on June 5 2024

virgil had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Long Island, otsego cty

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  • Hunting Location
    virgil, ny
  • Hunting Gun
  • Bow
    bear epic extreme

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Rising Star

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  1. Also probably a prime reason why so many members left this site- the same guy constantly picking fights, throwing insults, calling names, anointing himself the superior hunter, and declaring everyone jealous of his prowess. It gets a bit tedious after a while.
  2. i'm guessing he meant 'from shore'.
  3. i ordered replacement blades for mine last week- they were deliever in two day.
  4. That's fantastic. Congratulations. I've been applying for about ten years. I'll keep applying until i get a tag.
  5. I agree. Unfortunately, it still suffers because of the remaining antagonistic members.
  6. This is where these threads become entertaining- when someone expects Grouse to accept that intelligent and informed people are capable of having opinions different from his own.
  7. Was there a cost, or do you make a few bucks on this?
  8. Sorry to interrupt your pathetic echo chamber, Grouse. I didn't make it up- it's straight out of the dictionary. i'll go back to ignoring you clowns- i forgot how sensitive and easily triggered you can be.
  9. Robby, i think you may have missed the point. The definition above is for 'trump'. Either way, both are funny- and appropriate.
  10. : to concoct especially with intent to deceive : fabricate, invent.
  11. You can get a haircut at Walmart? i was up at the Cabelas in Auburn this weekend. The ammo selection was definitely disappointing. The purchase process was quick and painless- that's not to say that i like it.
  12. Serious question, how do the Trump lovers feel about his big announcement yesterday? You guys buying those trading cards?
  13. interesting that they used the term 'automatic' instead of semi-auto back then.
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