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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Posts posted by bpb

  1. Return the bases and rings for a refund and purchase yourself a good set of Leupold Quick-Dis connect bases and rings. Cost $40.00-$60.00

    Just don't buy what looks right, get the ones for the rifle.

    Check your scope's specs and make sure it has enough eye relief so it can be adjusted to fit you when you mount the rifle to your shoulder.

    If it doesn't then return it for a refund for one that does.

  2. Exactly where do you need an FFL dealer or a $100 fee for a private sale?? Surely not on any rifles or shotguns.  Not even in NYS do you need a background check of a purchaser of a rifle or shotgun in a private sale.  Handguns are different, but plenty of handguns get transacted, even at gun shows in many states with NO questions asked of the purchaser.

    Exactly what? Have you seen these transfers?

    Steve asked; where do you need a $100.00 fee? BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR ALL FIREARMS SALES! If you get your way I'll get my $100.00 fee. 


    Isn't that what you've stated in your comments?

    Yea, I know the transfer laws in face-to-face and at gun shows.

    My point is, are "YOU" willing to pay more for registration, say like Californian's & the Canadian's did, and then have your firearms confiscated a few years later?

    So let’s see, we'll throw out the commerce laws & private sales to make us all safer.


  3. Steve, the 2nd amendment is not about what type of firearm. It's about fighting tyranny and monarchy's.

    Yes our fore-farther's did understand that technology would advance.

    You can not purchase a firearm in any state as easy as purchasing candy. There is no NICS requirement on candy. All firearms purchases made at a dealer are NICS verified.

    So if you're willing to for-go a face to face private sale , are you willing to pay me, a FFL, a $100.00 transfer fee on a private sale?

  4. as said up in the subject, just wanted to say im sorry for doing what you all wanted and posting my essay on here for you guys to read... you asked me to so i did and then got jumped for posting GREAT infront of ted nugents name. Im sorry if some of you dont agree with me, but he is great in my eyes. For hunting and gun owners he is a role model. His personal life is none of my buisness so when you all say to look him up and read some of the bad stuff about him im not going to. Just like you all make mistakes he does too. Im not standing up for his mistakes but what ever he does in his personal life is his problem nnot mine. I am perfectly fine with Stating that i look up to him as a hunter, artist, and gun owner.... thanks...

    Listen kid,

    99% of the people on the internet don't even write a letter when asked. They don't belong to any association.

    They'll drive 50 miles round trip to save .25c on a box of shot-shells to shoot in their $10,000.00 shotguns.

    Yet they have an opinion on every subject put in front of them. Many times the opinion is so fact-less it reminds me of a talking robot from a 1950's sci-fi.

    I've been deeply involved in sportsmen's issues for over 30 years. 

    Write your report, stand by your opinion and don't let anyone talk you out of it.

    Because all they want to do, is make you question your statements.

    They are guilty of riding the coat tails of those who are active and it weighs heavily on there conscience.

    You want to start a new thread?

    Ask who all on this forum are going to Albany next Tuesday?

    And if not why~


  5. Carry concealed, "YOU" are appling for the permit not your job.

    Police do not need permits to carry,(unless your department requires it); security guards do.

    Just because you took a test for a posistion does not guarantee you a spot on the force.

  6. Newstalk WyslOur guest this Saturday (January 22nd) will be none other that Black Powder Bill.

    If you have any questions for Bill you can call the show at (585) 346-3000; *1040 for Verizon Customers, or email questions to Bill ahead of time at [email protected].   Upstate Outdoors is heard Saturday mornings from 7-8 am, with repe...at broadcasts Saturday and Sunday nights from 7-8 pm.  

    In addition to the one and only Black Powder Bill, Bill Nojay will guest host and Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America will be on the line. Listen live at 7:00 AM on Saturday or at 7:00 PM on Saturday and Sunday (pre-transcribed). Missed a show, try listening to a podcaast of the program or if you prefer you can get ...a webstream broadcast on a hand-held device or your computer, visit   

    1040 AM

    92.1 FM

  7. Interesting point there, but since deer aren't protected it's apples to oranges.  Out west when a protected animal destroys livliehood the govn't pays market price for the losses.  Wolves and cattle, sheep, etc....  The rancher gets market price for each head lost.

      ::D Oh really, ya don't say, the government pays them! And ahhh who pays the government. In many cases the rancer nevers gets fair value, the antis have drafted the laws so the ranchers pay into a fund & ranchers have to prove what killed their stock.

  8. Second Amendment Foundation is the only one willing to help and chage things in NY for gun permits.

    It was SCOPE that won the suit on permit transfer fees.  SCOPE played a big part in the latest NASSAU county colored handgun court success.

    Matter of Chwick v Mulvey - The Nassau County Chronicle - Zimbio

    Dec 28, 2010 ... The first is whether a Nassau County ordinance that bans "deceptively colored" handguns is preempted by State law. The second is whether the ...

    www.zimbio.com/...Nassau+County.../Matter+of+Chwick+v+Mulvey -  

    SCOPE also has helped fund the Westchester County Lawsuit.


    Aug 13, 2010 ... Note on your check it is for the SAF law suit. SCOPE.    I'm waiting to see how the Jan 25th rally turns out.  

  9. Why has this happened you ask? The sportsmen do or did not show up when they were needed to change the laws regulations over the last 30 odd years.

    There use to be a separate game commission. 

    The DEC and government divides us over the very issues posted and discussed on this forum every day. Individuals believe they can win an argument by holding onto their individualism. This is a learned value much like the high morals we see ranted about so often on forums.

    People have been conditioned to this way of politics.  It’s the “you can’t tell me how to do it”. We’ve done that before. When is actuality they never did do it before?

    This is one reason sportsmen have a 1,000 different associations to belong to. Each one caters to a specific set of ideals.

    This is why the greenies and antis kick our ass. They are not afraid to sue the states or feds when the law or regulations are not followed. Sportsmen on the other hand always try to work the big deal. It’s an ego trip.

  10. I see that social conditiong coming out again.

    So why isn't hunting inside a fence real hunting?

    Is it because the antis and some hunters feel or think the hunt takes place in a back yard surrounded by a chain link fence.? LOL

    If you've never seen a fenced in hunting preserve, then don't comment it isn't real hunting.

    Especially when most hunters I know don't venture over 300 yards from a road or trail unless they have an ATV to get them there.

    The last fenced hunting outfit I saw had 10,000 acres. The smallest one was 250 acres.

  11. We will have a great meeting on Wednesday January 12th.

    County Clerk Mike Jankowski and Sheriff Barry Virts will make a presentation on the new Pistol Permit card system that starts being implemented today 1/4/2011.

    After the presentation, you are all welcome to ask questions and voice your concerns.

    Below are links to documents with information about the new system. First link is to Clerk's office information. Second link is the fact sheet outlining the new card system. Third document is the amendment form you need to fill out when adding or subtracting pistols from your permit.

    This information will allow you to review everything ahead of the meeting.


    Card system information:


    Amendment form:


    Hope to see you all there on Jan 12th at American Legion Post in Marion at 7PM.


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