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Posts posted by TheTruth2

  1. So tomorrow morning is suppose to be the first day in a few days where it is going to not be raining, windy or crappy out. Yet it is suppose to unseasonably cold...any ideas on how this will affect the gobblers?

  2. Just curious if anyone out there has had any luck killing gobblers in the nasty weather. Driving into work today i saw a tom strutting on the side of the road at 8:30. I've heard plenty of positives and negatives about this topic.

  3. Best luck ive had is on riverbottoms.. i had a jake fly across the river to my calling last week. Pretty rare around here for that. Often they roost above the water because they feel safe then fly down and stroll the river edges for hens.

  4. This morning I had two big mature toms gobble probably over 300 times. They gobbled at everything.. My calls. Woodpecker.. Geese.. Crows. I heard them first gobble at 6:45. I setup on them multiple times. This went on until 9:30,still,gobbling like crazy. The closest I got was sixty yards and they hung up for an hour and would not come in. What do you guys recommend in situations like that? When two birds are super fired up but just won't really come into the calls

  5. Morning started off slow, not one gobble. Around 7 i decided to get up and find em. I worked three birds for an hour calling back and forth on a logging road but they never showed themselves for a shot. Frustrated, i hit one more spot before i left. Did a few yelps and heard a gobble off in the distance (or so i thought). waited a few minutes and called again, this time he was only about 60 yards away. I quickly tried to set up but looked up and saw him turn the corner. I panicked and quickly leaped into the woods (i was on a bike trail). About a minute later he and seven other jakes turned the corner and came right into the "decoy". My decoy was laying down on its back as it fell off the stake. They got within 35 yards and i had to make a decision to shoot before they noticed something was up. Steadied myself and picked the biggest one.


    I have been trying to get a bird on my birthday for 6 years and finally connected with this guy.



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  6. Just wondering what the ice situation looks like currently on Sodus bay. I heard soemthing about bubblers that were put up so there may be a lack of ice. I duck hunt the bay and dont have time to drive down there to check the ice before Saturday.

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