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Posts posted by HuntOrBeHunted

  1. It would be a good idea to let the area calm down. With the rut around the corner, you will want the does to feel comfortable there. Even if there are no big bucks there now, once they start cruising for does, they might come from a few miles and if the does are around the bucks will find them! The bucks will be unpredictable during the rut, so a trailcam won't be much help.You noticed a decrease in daytime activity around a good food source. So it looks like they've patterned you. They'll either avoid the area or visit in the dark.

    Good luck and keep the ladies(does) happy!

    Thats the plan. I'm going to hunt another few places and go back in a few weeks. I'm hoping they will pattern back to the strong run they were on.

  2. No. I just dont see it as something to argue about, you are arguing a scientific definition and its pretty much a nit picky thing anyhow.


    I just pretty much avoid people that just point out petty things that have nothing to do with the topic.

    I do see the point in calling a fox a fox.

    But when I say "dog" I figured that we all pretty much know i'm not talking about a random strayed pitbull.

    But other than that I chalked it up to me being around there a bit to much.

    Live n learn I guess.

  3. My guess unless they are following a doe or they are pushed past you you will not see them again. Thim big haus bucks didnt get big being dumb. JMO.

    Thats fine I have never really seen any big bucks on the camera yet anyway. Im not really worried buck or doe i'd rather harvest a doe right now and wait for the rut to kick in. Unless ofcourse a big buck came around.

    But I hunted there a few times and there run was really beat down so I take it they have been there for a while a week or two and i'm going to put the camera back in.

    There lots of acorns around so the deer won't be far away!

    If I get some nice pictures I will post them.

  4. I have gotten deer at the same spot were my camera has sat. I figure after they get used to the noise the camera makes by the time they realize they heard another sound its to late.

    I most likely over hunted the area. I'm not going to stress it i'm going to give it a week and go back at it. Then leave the camera in for a longer period of time.

    Hopefully they pattern back to the way they were running.

  5. Well what im going to do is just stay out of there for a week or so and then ill stick my camera back in there and see what I can come up with.

    Maybe I was in there to much, but hey ya live n learn lets hope the deer movement starts flowing again.

    Maybe I'll see more deer and less "fox" around.

  6. It's state land it covers some ground not to sure how many acers but theres plenty. Thats one reason I don't leave the camera out for to long since it is on state land. I should try to leave it out longer.

    And I have the camera close to were I sit.

    And yes I have a few other spots but none with ( what was ) that many deer pictures.

    What do you think my best move would be stay out and hope the deer movement comes back?

  7. WNY I put the camera there and leave it for a few days. And your very much right I may be over hunting it.

    I seen all the pics and got excited to get in the woods. I have been there a few times in the past week. The thing that caught me off guard was the amount of pics I had of deer and then out of no were them dogs started coming around and the seer seemed to stop.

    You think I should just stay away from there for a week or so leave the camera out of the woods and try again in a few days or what not?

  8. Thanks for the input fellas. If you guys were in my shoes what would you do? Shoot the dogs? Try and give it some time and see it the deer come back?

    Im trying to get a bow harvest before rut so I'll be hunting this spot hard.

    Again, thanks for the input.

  9. Yea Im not sure a fox would kill your spot.

    Maybe not kill it but without a doubt put a damper on the deer movement.

    I had many many pics of does and a little buck on my camera. Then the dogs started coming in and I have not seen many deer at all since ( maybe 2 ).

    On some pics there are 2 or 3 dogs.

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