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Posts posted by HuntOrBeHunted

  1. Then the follow up question is would it be too soon for me to head back to the same location tomorrow after kicking this deer around four times today?

    No way if you seen deer running threw I would with out a doubt be in the same place tomorrow.

    They may or may not change the pattern of travel but I rather be there if the don't.

    And I say this because a good freind of mine had a nice 8 running right around the woods in his back yard,

    He hunted it all year and it never really changed patterns he ended up harvesting it in rifle season.

    Good luck.

  2. Another thing that baffles me about this, is since when is training done with hollow points? Weird.

    It is weird,

    And even if them rounds were to be spread threw out a 5 year time period,

    do the math 450 MILLION divided by 5.. is 90 million a year..

    now divide that by the 365 days in a year.. and thats 246,575 point 3, bullets A DAY for what they call

    "routine pratice"

    I'll let this guy say the rest ... :laugh:

  3. It's on the internet so it must be true.

    Is that what you belive??

    Just because I posted something I found interesting doesn't mean I belive every word there saying.

    All I said was "its crazy".. And it is.. If I lived in a city were I saw BlackHawk helicoptors just cruzing around I plane out wouldn't want to live there lol im not in a freaking war zone.

    But pretty much if you dont like what your reading head to the next thread theres no point in ripping apart what I said just to start some BS...

    Seems like NYC is filled with know it alls like good ol BloomBerg himself.

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